COURSE OUTLINECOURSE OUTLINE I. Ancient Church History (4 B. C. to 590 A. D. ) A. Early Christianity (to 100 AD) 1. The fullness of time 2. Upon This Rock: Christ, the Founder & foundation of the church. 3. To the Jew first 4. Also to the Greek 5. Early Christian Literature 6. Early church life & organization
B. Persecution & the Old Catholic Imperial Church (100-313 AD) 1. Christ or Caesar: The Church vs. Persecution 2. Fables or Sound Doctrine: The Church vs. Heresy 3. Contending for the Faith: Apologist & Polemicists 4. The church closes ranks: Canonical Development
C. The rise of the Roman Catholic Church (313 – 590 AD) 1. Christianizing the Empire & the Barbarians 2. Church Councils, Controversies & Creeds 3. The Golden Age of Church Fathers 4. Monasticism: Christianity of the Cloisters 5. Primacy & Paganism: The growth of hierarchy & liturgy
II. Medieval Church History (590 – 1517) A. The rise of Latin-Teutonic Christianity. (590-800) 1. The first medieval pope 2. Muslims & Barbarians 3. The revival of Imperialism on the West
B. Church – state relationships (800-1054) 1. The rise of The Holy Roman Empire 2. West vs. East: Revival & Schism
C. Papal supremacy (1054-1305) 1. The Zenith of Papal Power 2. Crusaders & Reformers 3. Medieval Scholasticism & Worship
D. Medieval sunset & modern sunrise (1305-1517) 1. Attempts at Internal Reform 2. External opposition: The Renaissance & the Rise of Nation-States