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Abd. Margar. Abdiš a of Nisibis. The Book of the Pearl {Liber Margaritae}
Act. & script. Wirt. Acta & scripta theologorum Wirtembergensium et Patriarchae Constantinopolitani D. Hieremiae. Wittenberg, 1584
Ado. Chron. Ado of Vienne. Chronicle
Aen. Par. Graec. Aeneas of Paris. Book against the Greeks
Agap. Cap. Agapetus, deacon of Constantinople. Chapters of Admonition {Capita admonitoria}
Agath. Ep. Pope Agatho I. Epistles
Alc. Trin. Alcuin. The Faith of the Holy and Undivided Trinity
Ps. Alc. Proc. Pseudo-Alcuin. Book on the Procession of the Holy Spirit, Addressed to Charlemagne
An. Comn. Alex. Anna Comnena. Alexiad
Anaph. Jac. Anaphora of the Holy Mar Jacob {i. e., James} Brother of Our Lord and Bishop of Jerusalem
Anast. Bibl. CCP(869)pr. Anastasius Bibliothecarius. Preface to Acts of the Fourth Council of Constantinople (869)
Anast. S. Hex. Anastasius of Sinai. Anagogical Contemplations on the Hexaemeron
Ps. Anast. S. Pseudo-Anastasius of Sinai
Jud. al. Second Dialogue against the Jews {Adversus Judaeos dialogus alius}
Jud. dial. Dialogue against the Jews
Jud. parv. Short Dialogue aginst the Jews {Adversus Jueaeos dialogus parvus}
Anath. Sar. Anathema against the Saracens
Andr. Cr. Imag. Andrew of Crete. On the Veneration of the Holy Images
Ps. Andron. Comn. Jud. Pseudo-Andronicus I Comnenus, Emperor. Dialogue of a Christian and a Jew against the Jews
Ans. Proc. Anselm of Canterbury. On the Procession of the Holy Spirit
Ans. Hav. Dial. Anselm of Havelberg. Dialogues in Constantinople with Nicetas of Nicomedia
Arist. An. Aristotle. On the Soul {De anima}
Arnob. Nat. Aronobius of Sicca. Against the Nations
Ath. Athanasius of Alexandria
Ar. Orations against the Arians
Exp. Ps. Exposition of the Psalms
Tom. Tome to the Antiochenes
Ps-Ath. Pseudo-Athanasius
Az. Treatise on the Azymes
Chr. un. That Christ Is One {Quod unus sit Christus}
Exp. fid. Expositions of the Faith {Expositio Fidei}
Aug. Augustine of Hippo
Ev. Joh. Exposition of the Gospel of John
Grat. On Grace {De gratia}
Quaest. Ex. Questions on Exodus
Serm. Dom. Our Lord’s Sermon on the Mount {De sermone Domini in monte}
Trin. On the Trinity
Avell. Avellan Collection
Bab. Babai of Kaš kar
Evagr. Exposition of the Book of Centuries by Evagrius Ponticus
Tract. Tractate against Those Who Say: “As the Soul and the Body Are One Hypostasis, so God the Logos and the Man Are One Hypostasis”
Un. On the Union
Barl. Barlaam of Calabria
Ep. Epistles
Lat. Against the Latins
Or. Un. Oration for the Union
Barth. Ed. Bartholemew of Edessa
Agar. Refutation of the Hagarene
Moh. Against Mohammed
Bas. Basil of Caesarea
Ep. Epistles
Hom. Homilies
Spir. On the Holy Spirit
Bas. I. Mac. ap. CCP(869) Basil I the Macedonian, emperor, at the Fourth Council of Constantinople (869)
Bas. Ochr. Ep. Basil of Ochrida (Bulgaria). Epistles
Bess. John Bessarion
Consec. On the Words of Consecration
Plat. Against the Calmniator of Plato
Proc. On the Procession of the Holy Spirit
C. A. Augsburg Confession
Calv. Inst. (1559) John Calvin. Institutes of the Christian Religion (edition of 1559)
CChalc. Council of Chalcedon
Act. Acts
Can. Canons
CCP(681) Third Council of Constantinople
Act. Acts
Or. imp. Oration to the Emperor
CCP(754)Decr. (Iconoclast) Synod of 754 in Hiereia and Constantinople. Decrees
CCP(869)Act. Fourth Council of Constantinople. Acts
Cerul. Patriarch Michael Cerularius
Ep. Petr. Ant. Epistles to Peter of Antioch
Panop. Panoply
Sem. Edict {Σ η μ ε ί ω μ α } on the Projected Excommunication of Patriarch Michael
CFlor. (1439) Council of Florence
Decr. Arm. Decree on the Armenians
Def. Definition
CFor. (796) Council of Fré jus-Toulon [Concilium Forojuliense]
Chrys. John Chrysostom
Prod. Jud. On the Betrayal of Judas {De proditione Judae}
Sac. On the Priesthood {De sacerdotio}
Chyt. Or. David Chytraeus. Oratio de statu ecclesiarum hoc tempore in Graecia, Asia, Africa, Ungaria, Boë mia, etc. {Oration on the Present State of the Churches in Greece, Asia, Africa, Hungary, Bohemia, etc. }. Wittenberg, 1580
CLater. (649) First Lateran Council
Act. Acts
Can. Canons
Clem. Clement of Alexandria
Paed. Tutor {Paedogogus}
Pasch. fr. On the Passover. Fragments
Prot. Exhortation to the Greeks {Protrepticus}
CLug. (1274)Const. Second Council of Lyons. Constitution
CNic. (787) Second Council of Nicea
Act. Acts
Can. Canons
Col. Afr. Ep. Thdr. Columbus of Africa et al. Epistle to Pope Theodore
Conf. Dosith. Confession of Dositheus
q. Questions
Conf. Petr. Mog. Peter Mogila. Orthodox Confession of the Faith of the Catholic and Apostolic Eastern Church
Conf. Sar. Confession of the Christian Faith against the Saracens
Const. Pogon. Emperor Constantine IV Pogonatus
Edict. Edict
Sacr. Sacred Epistles
Const. V. Emperor Constantine V
Corp. iur. civ. Nov. Code of Justinian {Corpus iuris civilis}. Novellae
Cosm. Sl. Cosmas the Presbyter. Message {Slovo}
Cydon. Moh. Demetrius Cydonius. Translation of Richardus. Against the Followers of Mohammed
Cypr. Unit. eccl. Cyprian of Carthage. On the Unity of the Church {De unitate ecclesiae}
Cyr. Cyril of Alexandria
Chr. un. That Christ Is One {Quod unus sit Christus}
Ep. Epistles
Cyr. H. Catech Cyril of Jerusalem. Catechetical Lectures
Cyr. Luc. Patriarch Cyril Lucaris
Conf. Eastern Confession of the Christian Faith
Ep. Epistles
Cyrus. Al. Cyrus of Alexandria
Cap. Chapters {Capitula}
Ep. Epistles
fr. Fragments
Dial. Papisc. Dialogue of the Jews Papiscus and Philo with a Certain Monk
Didym. Spir Didumus of Alexandria. On the Holy Spirit
Dion. Ar. Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite
C. h. Celestial Hierarchy
D. n. On the Divine Names
Ep. Epistles
E. h. Ecclesiastical Hierarchy
Dion. BarSal. Exp. lit. Dionysis Bar Salibi. Exposition of the Liturgy
Dion. CP. Tom. syn. Dionysius of Constantinople. Synodical Tome
Doct. Ad. The Doctrine of Addai
Doct. Jac. The Doctrine of Jacob, Recently Baptized
Doct. patr. The Doctrine of the Fathers on the Incarnation of the Logos {Doctrina patrum de incarnatione Verbi}
Dom. Ben. Ep. Petr. Ant. Dominicus of Venice. Epistle to Peter of Antioch
Ein. Ann. Einhard. Annals
Ep. Oliv. Epistle of Pilgrim Monks on the Mount of Olives to Pope Leo III
Epiph. Epiphanius of Salamis
fr. Fragments
Haer. Against Eighty Heresies
Epiph. M. V. Serg. Epiphanius the Monk [Epifanij Mnich]. Life of Sergius of Radonež
Episc. CP. Ep. Bishops of Constantinople. Epistle
Episc. Ger. Graec. Bishops of Germany. Response at Worms on the Faith of the Holy Trinity, against the Heresy of the Greeks
Episc. Or. Ep. Bishops of the Orient. Epistle
Eug. IV. Ep. Pope Eugenius IV. Epistles
Eus. Eusebius of Caeserea
Ep. Const. Aug. Epistle to the Empress Constantia
H. e. Ecclesiastical History
Eus. Bass. Ep. Thds. Al. Eusebius of Mar Bassi et al. Epistle to Theodosius of Alexandria
Euth. Zig. Euthymius Zigabenus
Anath. Fourteen Anathemas against the Bogomils
Bog. Narrative of the Heresy of the Bogomils
Panop. Panoply
Ps. Commentary on the Psalter
Sar. Disputation on the Faith with a Saracen Philosopher
Evagr. H. e. Evagrius Cholasticus. Ecclesiastical History
Gel. I. Ep. Pope Gelasius I. Epistles
Ps. Geo. Arb. Exp. Pseudo-George of Arbela. Exposition of the Offices of the Church
Geo. Kiev. Lat. George of Kiev. Against the Latins
Geo. Schol. Sal. George Scholarius. Conserning the Only Way of the Salvation of Men
Germ. I. Dorm. Patriarch Germanus I of Constantinople. On the Dormition of the Theotokos
Germ. II. Bog. Patriarch Germanus II of Constantinople. Homily against the Bogomils
Goth. Deit. Gottschalk of Arbais. That it is Permissible to Speak of the Deity as Trine
Gr. M. Gregory the Great
Ep. Epistles
Ev. Homilies on the Gospels
Gr. Naz. Gregory of Nazianzus
Carm. Poems {Carmina}
Ep. Epistles
Hom. Homilies
Or. Orations
Gr. Nyss. Gregory of Nyssa
Deit. On the Deity of the Son and of the Holy Spirit
Hom. opific On the Creation of Man {De hominis opificio}
Thdr. On Theodore the Martyr
Gr. Pal. Gregory Palamas
Ak. Against Akindynus
Cap. 150 Physical, Theological, Moral, and Practical Chapters {Capitula}
Conf. Confession of the Orthodox Faith
Dec. Exposition of the Decalogue
Hom. Homilies
Theoph. Theophanes
Tr. Triads
Gregent. Herb. Gregentius of Taphar. Disputation with the Jew Herbanus
Hadr. Ep. Pope Hadrian I. Epistles
Hag. Tom. Hagioretic Tome {ά γ ι ο ρ ε ι τ ι κ ο ς τ ό μ ο ς }
Heracl. Ecth. Emperor Heraclius. Ecthesis
Herodot. Hist. Herodotus. History
Hil. Trin. Hilary of Poitiers. On the Trinity
Hil. Kiev. Sl. Hilarion of Kiev. Message {Slovo}
Hinc. R. Hincmar of Riems
Deit. On the Deity as One and Not Three
Opusc. Hinc. L. Opusculum against Hincmar of Laon
Hom. Il Homer. Iliad
Hon. I. Ep. Pope Honorius I. Epistles
Hor. A. p. Horace. Art of Poetry
Horm. Ep. Pope Hormisdas. Epistles
Humb. Humbert of Silva Candida
Dial. Dialogue
Proc. On the Procession of the Holy Spirit from the Father and the Son
Resp. Nicet. Respnose to the Book of Nicetas Stethatos
Isid. Sev. Eccl. off. Isidore of Seville. Ecclesiastical Offices
Iš o’yahb. Ep. Iš o’yahb III. Epistles
Jac. Bar. Ep. Thds. Jacob Baradaeus. Epistle to Theodosius of Alexandria
Jac. Ed. Jacob of Edessa
Can. Canons
Conf. Confession
Ep. Thos. Epistle to Thomas the Presbyter
Hex. Exposition of the Hexaemeron
Jer. CP. Ep. Tü b. Patriarch Jeremiah of Constantinople. Epistle to the Lutheran Theologians at Tü bingen
Joh. Ant. Az. John of Antioch. Treatise on the Azymes
Joh. Argyr. Proc. John Argyropoulos. On the Procession of the Holy Spirit
Joh. Bek. John Bekkos
Apol. Apology for the Union of 1274
Ep. Joh. XXI. Epistle to Pope John XXI
Un. On the Union of the Churches of Old and New Rome
Joh. Cant. Emperor John VI Cantacuzenus
Apol.  Apologies for the Christian Religion against the Mohammedan Sect
Or. Orations against Mohammed
Joh. D. John of Damascus
1 Cor. Exposition of 1 Corinthians from John Chrysostom
Dialect. Dialectic
Dialex. Dispute {Δ ι α λ έ ξ ι ς } with a Manichean
Disp. Sar. Dispute of a Saracen and a Christian
F. o. The Orthodox Faith
Haer. On Heresies
Imag. Orations on the Images
Jacob. Against the Jacobites
Man. Dialogue against the Manicheans
Parall. Sacred Parallels
Rect. sent. On the Correct Thought {De recta sententia}
Volunt. On Two Wills in Christ {De duabus in Christo voluntatibus}
Ps. Joh. D. Trin. Pseudo-John of Damascus. On the Trinity
Joh. Diac. John the Deacon
Joh. H. John V of Jerusalem
Const. Against Constantinus Cabalinus on the Images
Icon. Against the Iconoclasts
Joh. Maur. Carm. John Mauropus. Poems {Carmina}
Just. Dial. Justin Martyr. Dialogue with Trypho
LeoM. Tom. Pope Leo I (the Great). Tome
Leo II. Ep. Pope Leo II. Epistles
Leo III. Ep. Emperor Leo III. Epistle to ‘Umar {Omar}, Chief of the Saracens
Leo IX. Ep. Petr. Ant. Pope Leo IX. Epistle to Peter of Antioch
Leo Ochr. Enc. Leo of Ochrida (Bulgaria). Encyclical
Leo Per. Lat. Leo OF Perejaslav. Against the Latins
Leont. B. Nest. etEut. Leontius of Byzantium. Aginst the Nestorians and Eutychians
Leont. N. Leontius of Neapolis (Cyprus)
fr. Fragments
Serm. Sermons
Lib. Car. Caroline Books {Libri Carolini}
Lib. diurn. Daybook of the Roman Pontifs {Liber diurnus Romanorum pontificum}
Lit. Bas. Liturgy of Basil
Lit. Chrys. Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom
Lit. Clem. Clementine Liturgy
Lit. Praesanct. Liturgy of the Presanctified
Liut. Leg. Liutprand of Cremona. Narrative of the Legation to Constantinople
Luth. Martin Luther
Ep. Epistles
Rom. Leip. Against the Famous Romanist in Leipzig
Mac. Ant. Symb. Marcarius of Antioch. Symbol
Man. II. Pal. Dial. Emperor Manuel II Palaeologus. Dialogues with a Persian
Marc. Eph. Mark of Ephesus
Conf. Confession of Faith at Florence
Consec. On the Consecration of the Eucharist
Dial. Dialogue on the Addition to the Symbol by the Latins
Or. Purg.  Orations on Purgatory
Mart. I. Ep. Pope Martin I. Epistles
Maur. Rav. Ep. Maurus of Ravenna. Epistle
Max. Maximus Confessor
Ambig. Book of Ambiguities
Ascet. Ascetic Book
Carit. 400 Chapters on Charity
Disp. Byz. Disputation Held in Byzantium
Ep. Epistles
Myst. Mystagogy
Opusc. Theological and Polemical Opuscula
Or. dom. Brief Exposition of the Lord’s Prayer {Orationis dominicae brevis expositio}
Pyrr. Disputation with Pyrrhus
Qu. dub. Questions and Doubts
Qu. Thal. Questions to Thalassius on the Scripture
Rel. mot. Relation about the Motion
Schol. C. h. Scholia on the “Celestial Hierarchy” of Dionysius the Areopagite
Schol. D. n. Scholia on the “On the Divine Names” of Dionysius the Areopagite
Schol. E. h. Scholia on the “Ecclesiastical Hierarchy” of Dionysius the Areopagite
Schol. Ep. Dion. Ar. Scholia on the “Epistles” of Dionysius the Areopagite
Schol. Myst. Scholia on the “Mystical Theology” of Dionysius the Areopagite
Max. Aquil. Maximus of Aquileia
Max. Plan. Aug. Maximus Planudes. Greek translation of Augustine. On the Trinity
Mel. Ep. Philip Melanchthon. Epistles
Meth. Cp. Syn Patriarch Methodius II of Constantinople. Synodicon
Metr. Crit. Conf. Metrophanes Critopoulos. Confession
Metrop. The Prerogatives of Metropolitans
Mich. Anch. Michael III Anchialu, patriarch of Constantinople
Arm. Epistle on the Armenians
Dial. Dialogue with Emperor Manuel Comnenus
Min. Fel. Oct. Minucius Felix. Octavianus
Nars. Hom. Narsai. Liturgical Homilies
Niceph. Patriarch Nicephorus of Constantinople
Antirr. Refutation {Antirrheticus}
Apol. Shorter Apology for the Holy Images
Ep. Leo III Epistle to Pope Leo III
Epiph. Against Epiphanius
Imag. Greater Apology for the Holy Images
Niceph. Kiev. Nicephorus of Kiev
Posl. Message {Poslanie}
Nicet. Amas. Patr. Nicetas of Amasia. On the Patriarchs
Nicet. Byz. Nicetas of Byzantium
Arab. Refutation of the Falsely Written Book of the Arab Mohammed
Arm. Refutation of the Epistle Sent by the Prince of the Armenians
Lat. Against the Latins
Ref. Ep. Refutation of the Epistles of the Hagarenes
Nicet. Chon. Thes. Nicetas Choniata. Thesaurus of the Orthodox Faith
Nicet. Nicom. Nicetas of Nicomedia
Nicet. Steth. Nicetas Stethatos
Antidial Antidialogue
Arm. etLat. Against the Armenians and the Latins
Nicol. I. Ep. Pope Nicholas I. Epistles
Nil. Cab. Nilus Cabasilas of Thessalonica
Caus. Diss. On the Causes of Dissensions in the Church
Prim. On the Primacy of the Pope
Nil. Dox. Not. Nilus Doxopatres. The Order of the Patriarchal Sees {Notitia thronorum patriarchalium}
Nil. Sor. Nilus Sorskij
Pred. Legacy to His Disciples
Ustav. Monastic Rule
Or. Origen of Alexandria
Cels. Against Celsus
Jos. Homilies on Joshua
Luc. Homilies on the Gospel of Luke
Patr. Job. Excerpt from the Record of the Installation of Patriarch Job
Patr. Mosc. Establishment of the Patriarchate of Moscow
Paul. I. Ep. Pope Paul I. Epistles
Paul. Ant. Ep. Thds. Al. Paul of Antioch. Epistle to Theodosius of Alexandria
Paul. II. CP. Ep. Thdr. Paul II of Constantinople. Epistle to Pope Theodore
Paulin. Aquil. Paulinus of Aquileia
Carm. Poems {Carmina}
CFor. (796) Council of Fré jus-Toulon [Concilium Forojuliense]
Fel. Against Felix of Urgel
Paulin. N. Ep. Paulinus of Nola. Epistles
Petr. Ant. Peter of Antioch
Ep. Al. Epistle to the Patriarch of Alexandria
Ep. Cerul. Epistle to Michael Cerularius
Ep. Dom. Epistle to Dominicus of Venice
Ep. H. Epistle to the Patriarch of Jerusalem
Ep. Leo IX. Epistle to Pope Leo IX
Petr. Chrys. Serm. Peter Chrysologus. Sermons
Petr. Dam. Proc. Peter Damian. Against the Error of the Greeks on the Procession of the Holy Spirit
Petr. Lomb. Sent. Peter Lombard. Sentences
Petr. Sic. Peter of Sicily
Hist. History of the Heresy of the Manicheans, Who Are Also Called Paulicians
Serm. Sermons against the Manicheans, Who Are Also Called Paulicians
Philoth. Posl. Philotheus of Pskov. Message {Poslanie}
Philox. Diss. Philoxenus of Mabhug. Dissertations
Phot. Patriarch Photius of Constantinople
Amph. Amphilochia
Enc. Encyclical
Ep. Epistles
Hom. Homilies
Man. Against the Manicheans
Myst. Mystagogy Concerning the Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Syn. Collections and Demonstrations {Σ υ ν α γ ω γ α ί κ α ί ά π ο δ ε ί ξ ε ι ς }
Ps. Phot. Pseudo-Photius
Franc. Against the Franks
Rom. Against Those Who Say that Rome Is the First See
Pos. V. Aug. Possidius. Life of Augustine
Psell. Michael Psellus
Acc. Cerul. Accusation against Michael Cerularius
Cant. Commentary on the Book of Canticles
Char. Gr. Theol. Character of Gregory the Theologian
Char. Joh. Chrys. Character of John Chrysostom
Chron. Chronography
Com. Sim. Met. Commemoration of Simeon Metaphrastes
Daem. On the Activity of Demons
Enc. Sim. Met. Encomium of Simeon Metaphrastes
Ep. Epistles
Exeg. Phdr. Exegesis of the “Phaedrus”
Id. On Plato’s Doctrine of Ideas
Om. doct. Omnifarious Doctrine
Pr. Phil. Sol. Preface to Philip the Solitary
Salut. Oration on the Salutation {to Mary}
Pyrr. Pyrrhus of Constantinople
Radb. Cog. Paschasius Radbertus.  You Compel Me {Cogitis me}
Ratr. Graec. Ratramnus. Against the Greeks
Reg. Chron. Regino of Prü m. Chronicle
Rom. Mel. Romanus the Melodist
Akath. Akathistos
Kont. Kontakion
Oik. Oikioi
Hymn. Hymns
Se’ert. Chron. Chronicle of Se’ert (Kurdistan)
Serg. Ep. Sergius of Constantinople. Epistles
Serg. Cyp. Ep. Thdr. Sergius of Cyprus. Epistle to Pope Theodore
Sev. Ant. Severus of Antioch
Ep. Thds. Epistle to Theodosius
Gram. Against the Godless Grammarian
 Hom. cathed. Cathedral Homilies
Neph. To Nephalius
Sim. N. Th. Simeon (Symeon) the New Theologian
Catech. Catechetical Sermons
Eth. Ethical Orations
Hymn. Hymns
Myst. Mystical Prayer
Or. Orations
Theol.  Theological Orations
Sim. Thess. Haer. Simeon of Thessalonica. Against all Heresies
Smarag. Smaragdus
Acta Acts of the Conference in Rome {810}
Spir. On the Holy Spirit
Soph. Sophronius of Jerusalem
Ep. syn. Synodical Epistle
Or. Orations
Steph. Bostr. fr. Stephen of Bostra. Fragments
Steph. Dor. Ep. Stephen of Dora (Palestine). Epistle
Symb. Ath. Athanasian Creed {Symbolum Athanasianum}
Symb. CP(681) Symbol of the Third Council of Constantinople
Symb. Leo III. Symbol of Pope Leo III
Syn. CP. (1638) Synod of Constantinople (1638)
Syn. CP. (1672) Synod of Constantinople (1672)
Syn. H. (1672) Synod of Jerusalem (1672)
Syn. Jass. (1643) Synod of Jassy, Moldavia (1643)
Syn. Jes. (585) Synod of Jesuyahb I (585)
Syn. Kos. (612) Synod of King Kosran (612)
Syn. Pal. (1341) Palamite Synod (1341)
Syn. Pal. (1351) Palamite Synod (1351)
Syn. Pal. (1368) Palamite Synod (1368)
Syn. Sel. (486)Can. Synod of Seleucia (486). Canons
Syndoct. post. Later Agreement {Syndocticon posterius}
Tert. Tertullian of Carthage
Praescrip. Prescription of Heretics
Prax. Against Praxeas
Thdr. AbuQ. Theodore Abû Qurra
Conc. Conflicts with the Saracens, from the Mouth of John of Damascus {Concertationes cum Saracenis}
Imag. On the Cult of Images
Mim. Address {Mî mar}
Opusc. Opuscula
Thdr. Agall. Argyr. Theodore Agallianus. Refutation of John Argyropoulos
Thdr. CP. Qu. Max. Theodore, deacon of Constantinople. Questions to Maximus
Thdr. H. Theodore of Jerusalem
Thdr. Phar. fr. Theodore of Pharan. Fragments
Thdr. Stud. Theodore of Studios
Antirr. Refutations {Antirrhetica} of the Iconoclasts
Can. imag. Canon for the Establishment of the Holy Images
Ep. Epistles
Ep. imag. Epistles to Plato on the Cult of the Holy Images
Icon. Chapters against the Iconoclasts
Or. Orations
Praesanct. Expositions of the Liturgy of the Presanctified
Prob. Problems for the Iconoclasts
Ref. Refutations of the Poems of the Iconoclasts
Thds. Al. Theodosius of Alexandria
Ep. Epistle
Ep. Paul. Ant. Epistle to Paul of Antioch
Or. Oration
Thds. Peč. Lat. Theodosius of Peč erskaya Lavra. Against the Latins {Slovo}
Thdr. H. r. Theodoret of Cyrrhus. History of Religion
Them. fr. Themistius of Alexandria. Fragments
Theod. Aur. Spir. Theodulph of Orlé ans [Aurelianensis]. On the Holy Spirit
Theoph. Chron. Theophanes the Confessor. Chronography
Theoph. Nic. Theot. Theophanes of Nicea. Sermon on the Theotokos
Theor. Disp. Theorianus. Disputations with Narsai IV
Theot. Demonstration That Mary Is Theotokos
Thos. Aq. Graec. Thomas Aquinas. Against the Errors of the Greeks
Thos. Ed. Nat. Thomas of Edessa. Treatise on the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Thphyl. CP. Ep. Petr. Bulg. Patriarch Theophylact of Constantinople. Epistle to Czar Peter of Bulgaria
Thphyl. Ochr. Lat. Theophylact of Ochrida (Bulgaria). On the Things of Which the Latins Are Accused
Tim. I. Ep. Timothy I, Nestorian patriarch. Epistles
Tim. Ael. Chalc. Timothy Aelurus, Monophysite patriarch of Alexandria. Critique and Refutation of the Definition at Chalcedon
Troph. Dam. Trophies of the Divine and Unconquerable Church of God and of the Truth against the Jews in Damascus
Verg. Aen. Vergil. Aeneid
V. Moh. Life of Mohammed
Vosk. Chron. Chronicle of Voskrosensk





ACO Acta conciliorum oecumenicorum. Strasbourg, 1914-.
Allacci Allacci, Leone [Leo Allatius]. De ecclesiae occidentalis atque orientalis perpetua consensione. Cologne, 1648.
Arendzen Arendzen, Johann, ed. Theodori Abu Kurra De cultu imaginum libellus. Bonn, 1897.
Badger Badger, George Percy. The Nestorians and Their Rituals. Vol. 2. London, 1852.
Barth-Niesel Barth, Peter, and Niesel, Wilhelm, eds. Joannis Calvini Opera Selecta. 5 vols. Munich, 1926-36.
Bek. Die Bekenntnisschriften der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche. 2nd ed. Gö ttingen, 1952.
Bidez-Parmentier Bidez, Joseph, and Parmentier, Lé on, eds. The Ecclesiastical History of Evagrius with the Scholia. London, 1898.
Bonwetsch Bonwetsch, G. Nathanael, ed. Doctrina Jacobi nuper baptizati. Berlin, 1910.
Boor Boor, Carl Gotthard, ed. Theophanis Chronographia. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1883-85.
Brightman Brightman, Frank Edward, ed. Liturgies Eastern and Western. Vol. 1: Eastern Liturgies (no more published). Oxford, 1896.
Carr Carr, Simon Joseph, ed. Thomas of Edessa. Treatise on the Nativity of Our Lord Christ. Rome, 1898.
CCSL Corpus christianorum. Series latina. Turnhout, Belgium, 1953-.
Chabot Chabot, Jean Baptiste, ed. Synodicon Orientale ou recueil de synodes nestoriens. Paris, 1902.
Connolly Connolly, Richard Hugh, ed. Narsai. Liturgical Homilies. Cambridge, 1909.
Connolly-Codrington Connolly, Richard Hugh, and Codrington, Humphrey William, eds. Two Commentaries on the Jacobite Liturgy. London, 1913.
Contos Contos, Leonidas. The Concept of Theosis in Saint Gregory Palamas. With Critical Text of the “Contra Akindynum. ” Vol. 2: Text. Los Angeles, 1963.
CR Corpus Reformatorum. Berlin and Leipzig, 1834-.
CSCO Corpus scriptorum christianorum orientalium. Paris, 1903-.
CSEL Corpus scriptorum ecclesiasticorum latinorum. Vienna, 1866-.
Darrouzè s Darrouzè s, Jean, ed. Documents iné dits d’ecclé siologie byzantine. Paris, 1966.
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