Международная олимпиада по истории
Международная олимпиада по истории (на английском языке) Russian History 9-11 КЛАССЫ СТУДЕНТЫ
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1. During what international war did the Russian Revolution take place? (A) World War II (B) Russo-Japanese War (C) Napoleonic War (D) World War I
2. What calendar did Russia use until February 1918? (A) Julian (B) Gregorian (C) Old Slavonic (D) Hebrew
3. Which tsar did terrorists assassinate in 1881? (A) Nicholas I (B) Alexander I (C) Alexander II (D) Alexander III
4. What slogan was shouted during the February Revolution? (A) “Let them eat cake!” (B) “Freedom and justice!” (C) “No more war!” (D) “Bread and peace!”
5. The February Revolution began as a(n) (A) International Women’s Day march (B) Railroad strike (C) Food drive for soldiers on the front (D) Bolshevik rally
6. Where was the tsar during the February Revolution? (A) Visiting soldiers on the front (B) In the Winter Palace (C) At a peace conference in Europe (D) In the Kremlin
7. As a result of the February Revolution, the tsar (A) Was thrown out of office (B) Exiled (C) Voluntarily abdicated (D) Was immediately executed
8. After the February Revolution, how many organizations claimed to be the new Russian
government? (A) One (B) Two (C) Three (D) Four
9. The provisional government was made up of (A) Former members of the Synod (B) Former ministers under the tsar (C) Revolutionaries (D) Former members of the Duma
10. Which country’s government aided Lenin in returning to Russia? (A) France (B) Germany (C) Turkey (D) Britain
11. Upon his return to Russia, how did Lenin view revolutionaries outside his own party? (A) As friends and allies (B) As potential Bolsheviks whom he needed to convert (C) He ignored them (D) As enemies who might be used temporarily but had to be eliminated in the end
12. What slogan did Lenin use following his arrival in Russia in April 1917? (A) “There is such a party!” (B) “All power to the Soviets!” (C) “Proletarians of the world unite!” (D) “Onward to the shining future!”
13. What was the set of ideas that Lenin expressed in the newspaper Pravda following his
return to Russia? (A) The April Theses (B) The Communist Manifesto (C) The Federalist Papers (D) Das Kapital
14. During the summer following the February Revolution, what did Lenin initially believe was
the best strategy for starting a second revolution? (A) Use loyal troops to attack government buildings (B) Take control of the press (C) Encourage mass street riots (D) Execute the tsar in public
15. The Bolshevik Party drew its support primarily from (A) Peasants (B) Aristocrats (C) The intelligentsia (D) The working class
16. The Petrograd Soviet was a(n) (A) Union of workers and soldiers (B) Organization of ex-monarchists (C) Society of farmers (D) Group consisting primarily of lawyers
17. Which of the following events seriously weakened the Bolsheviks? (A) The First Congress of Soviets (B) Kerensky’s June offensive (C) The July Putsch (D) Rasputin’s murder
18. Which of the following seriously weakened the provisional government? (A) The July Putsch (B) The Kornilov Affair (C) Elections for the Constituent Assembly (D) The First Congress of Soviets
19. Who was Lavr Kornilov? (A) A Bolshevik (B) A rebellious Cossack (C) A monarchist army general (D) Leader of the Petrograd Soviet
20. What happened as a result of the July Putsch? (A) The provisional government was unseated (B) The Petrograd Soviet split apart (C) The army mutinied (D) Several prominent Bolsheviks were arrested