


Случайная статья

Задание 4. Страноведение. Answer Mark’s questions.. Ask him two questions about his new house.. Remember the rules of letter writing.. Write 100 – 140 words.. Enjoy the competition and good luck to you!. February 6, 2015. Открытая городская олимпиада по а

Задание 4. Страноведение

Обведите правильные ответы на вопросы:

1. Which animal can look at the Queen?

    a) a dog   b) a cat    c) a lion    d) a rabbit

2. Which country is NOT English-speaking?

a) Australia b) New Zealand   c) Mexico d) India

3. The Tower of London has NEVER been … .

a) a church         b) a prison        c) a zoo          d) a palace

4. A big wheel where you can get a nice view of London is called …

a) London Ear b) London Eye c) London Nose d) London Hand

5. The Statue of Peter Pan is situated in … .

a) Hyde Park b) Kensington Gardens c) Green Park d) Regent’s Park

6. When it is winter in Russia, it is summer in ...

a) Australia      b) Canada c) the USA   d) Great Britain

7. ‘The Jungle Book’ is a collection of stories written by …

a) Allan Milne b) Rudyard Kipling c) Louis Stevenson d) Charles Dickens

8. A double decker is …

a) a train   b) a plane   c) a hotel room   d) a bus

Задание 5. Письмо

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Mark. Here is what she says:  

My parents and I don’t seem to agree about clothes at all! Do you argue with your parents about what you wear? What sort of clothes do you like wearing? How important is it to you to look fashionable?

As for my other news, we’ve just moved to our new house.


Answer Mark’s questions.

Ask him two questions about his new house.

Remember the rules of letter writing.

Write 100 – 140 words.

Enjoy the competition and good luck to you!

February 6, 2015

Открытая городская олимпиада по английскому языку «Соболёк» (7 класс)


Задание 1. Аудирование

Прослушайте текст дважды и согласитесь (True)/ не согласитесь (False) с утверждениями. Если вы не согласны с утверждением, измените его в соответствии с текстом (не используйте простое отрицание, а постарайтесь перефразировать высказывание).

1. Harry is making a model car.

2. He is going to take part in the school contest.

3. Harry’s model vehicle (транспортное средство) looks quite different from the one they saw in the video.

4. Harry had designed his toy before he watched the video.

5. The toy is ready to fly.

6. Emma doesn’t want to help Harry.

7. Harry’s back garden is good for flying his model.

8. Emma won’t come to watch the vehicle on its first flight in the morning because she is not an early riser.



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