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Great Britain at the 2012 London Olympics

Great Britain at the 2012 London Olympics

This is certainly the greatest Games for Britain in more than a century, and realistically the greatest ever. The British were more __________________ only once in 1908, in London, when a third of all the competitors were from the UK.                                                                                  SUCCESS


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Gold medals came from 13 different sports as several made __________________ breakthroughs, including in canoe slalom, road cycling, triathlon and taekwondo.                          IMPRESS


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__________________, however, brought no gold medals in the Aquatics Centre. SWIM


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They won just one silver and two bronze medals and a review was launched into their __________________.                                                                                                                  TRAIN


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Optimists may also conclude from London 2012 that the British team came within a whisker of at least five or six more Olympic titles. However, nobody can __________________ suggest second place for the UK at the next Olympics.                                                                                    SERIOUS


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If funding levels are maintained and progress continues for the next four years, the defense of third place could be a realistic __________________.                                               EXPECT


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Why do we sleep?

A recent study may have an answer to one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in science - what is the purpose of sleep? The work suggests it’s __________________ about making animals function more efficiently in their environments.



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