Задание 2. Active Vocabulary. Presentation ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Задание 2 Прочитайте презентацию. Ответьте письменно на вопросы. Active Vocabulary Associate lawyer –юрист, работающий в юридической фирме (не является партнером) To meet the demand –отвечать требованиям Firm’s profitability –прибыльность, доходность, рентабельность компании Commitment –приверженность чему- либо, взгляды на что-либо To be committed to doing smth. –быть преданным, приверженным чему-либо Presentation Good morning, and thanks for coming along. It’s great that so many of you have managed to make it this morning. I know that winter examination period is coming and time is precious for you. With that in mind, I’ll try to keep my talk brief. Let me just start by introducing myself. I’m Vanessa Brown and I’m going to speak about the Graduate Recruitment Programme. The programme I’m sure will be of particular interest to you as fourth-year students. It’s right now that you have to start planning the life after the university, no matter how far ahead it may seem at the moment. I remember sitting in this very lecture hall and listening to a talk similar to one I’m going to give. I applied for a place on the Recruitment Programme shortly afterwards and was made a partner last summer. Perhaps this law firm is more demanding than others, but I know from my own experience that the rewards are worth it. So, there are three main points I’d like to cover today. First, I’ll give you a little information about our law firm, Somerville LLP. Then I’ll go on to outline what we have to offer to new employees. And finally, I’ll tell you what we expect from our potential recruits. There will be a few minutes for questions at the end of my talk, but do feel free to interrupt me at any time. Well, let me start with the first point. Who is Somerville LLP? We are an independent commercial practice that provides the highest quality legal service to our clients. To accomplish this goal we are to recruit and retain the associates who are able to help us meet this demand. But I’d like to say that a new associate lawyer has an opportunity compatible with his or her own interests in the sphere of legal practice. This brings me to my next point: what benefits can successful applicants expect? First, our law firm will pay you full course fees for both the Graduate Diploma in Law and the Legal Practice Course. This leads directly to what I’m sure is an important question for you: what can you expect to earn. We offer competitive starting salaries for new associates. Associates also receive a year-end bonus which depends on the firm’s profitability. In addition to the salary and bonus we also provide medical insurance. Now let’s move on to what we expect in return. As I mentioned at the beginning of my talk, we are committed to providing the highest quality service to our clients. As you understand we can provide it only by hiring lawyers with the same level of commitment. You may have to work long hours and you may not have all your weekends free and the work is really demanding. However for the graduate student ready to take this challenge the rewards are great indeed. In conclusion, I’d like to say that Somerville LLP is growing, independent, commercial practice. Our Graduate Recruitment Programme includes excellent benefits for students prepared to commit themselves fully. And we offer you the opportunity to work in those areas of law that interest you most. Ok, that all I wanted to say today. I’d be very happy to answer any questions you have. Ответьте на вопросы.
1. Is the style of the presentation formal or informal? Why do you think so? Prove your point of view. 2. How does the speaker maintain the contact with the audience? 3. How does the speaker come from one point of the presentation to another? Задание 3 Выберите одну из наиболее интересных для вас отраслей российского права и подготовьте письменную презентацию на английском языке. Примерный план презентации. · The sphere of application · The main sources · The most interesting facts or examples of interesting cases. Объем презентации. Презентацию можно представить в редакторе Word 1-2 стр или Power Point. Приложение: Фразы, которые могут вам помочь при подготовке презентации.