Задание 3. Соотнесите даты с событиями в истории России. Match these important dates in the history of Russia with the events. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Задание 3. Соотнесите даты с событиями в истории России. Match these important dates in the history of Russia with the events.
The decree abolishing serfdom – декрет, отменяющий крепостное право The Tartar yoke – татарское иго The USSR - СССР
Задание 4. Соотнесите даты, названия праздников и описание праздников. Match the names of the holidays and the dates. Например: 1- e - h
Orthodox Church – Православная церковь Reconciliation – примирение A tomb - могила An anniversary - годовщина Lent – Великий пост
a) It celebrates the end of the Soviet Union s participation in World War II in Europe. Parades and processions of veterans are held in big cities. People lay flowers in Moscow s Park Pobedi and the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
b) This day is celebrated with all-night services in church.
c) This is a day-off. Probably the busiest people on this day are flower-seller. Men and young boys try to please their mothers, sisters and friends by giving them presents.
d) We celebrate the day when Russia became an independent country, the Republic of Russian Federation after the break up of the Soviet Union in 1991. This is an official holiday.
e) It is the main Orthodox festival. Children color eggs and enjoy traditional Russian dishes. Churches hold special services on this day.
f) This used to be the greatest official holiday of the country celebrating the anniversary of the October Revolution. This day was once celebrated by military parades in Red Square. Now this day is marked by marches and demonstrations. For many people it is just another day-off.
g) This holiday celebrates the new Constitution of 1993.
h) This day is celebrated with present-giving by Ded Moroz (Father Frost), decorating New Year trees and joyful parties.
i) This festival marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring and Lent. During this festival people make pancakes, sing traditional songs and dance traditional dances or go visiting each other.
j) This holiday is devoted to soldiers and officers and everyone else who ever defended the country or is in the Army. These people are greeted with special cards and given presents. Concerts are also given in their honour.
k) On this spring day people prefer to go out into the streets and take part in all kinds of outdoor activities.