Odd one out and translate it. Вычеркни лишнее слово и переведи его.
Task 7:
Odd one out and translate it. Вычеркни лишнее слово и переведи его.
1. milk, tea, cereal, juice
2. grapes, pineapple, fish, orange
3. cherry, apple, bring, corn
4. tomato, chicken, cheese, rice
5. bottle, cabbage, box, glass
Task 8:
Read the text and write T (true) or F (false). Прочитай текст и напиши правдивые (T) или ложные (F) утверждения.

1. Helen decorates the house with balloons.
2. Simon Says is a party game.
3. Helen cooks the food.
4. There is only (только) one salad.
5. Helen doesn’t like chocolate.