Повышенный уровень. What have you learnt about these people? Match ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 2.*Повышенный уровень. What have you learnt about these people? Match
Тексты аудиозаписи Итоговая контрольная работа - How are you? You don’t look well. What’s the matter? — I feel awful. I have a headache and my back, arms and legs hurt all over. — I’m sorry to hear that. — And I’m running a temperature and I can’t move my head. — I’m really sorry. Perhaps it’s the flu. You should drink hot tea with lemon and honey. And you must consult the doctor. You mustn’t take any medicine without his advice. And stay in bed. — That’s a good idea. I won’t go to school tomorrow. — I hope you’ll be better soon. — Thank you.