Affidavit ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Affidavit I am an immortal spirit, a living soul, CheloVeche, ZhenCHina ©mp : Alena: live soul from flesh and blood in the human body with the title living-born ZhenCHina. As a live-born soul, I have the right to life, the right to protection of life, the right to my own property and the right to all result of my work, as well as the right to protect my life and my property. My photo and autograph of the thumbprint of my right hand is my author's identifier, and my identity, the fact of my being a live. I am an immortal spirit was born by the Creator's (God’s) will a living soul from flesh and blood in the human body, CheloVeche, with the title of a live-born ZhenCHina ©mp: Alena: Sergeevna: Zamozdra: nineteen ninety eight year of October, the fourth day from her father ©mp : Sergey: Nikolaevich: Zamozdra:, and her mother ©mp : Irina: Vladimirovna: Zamozdra:, in Chelyabinsk, Chelyabinsk region, USSR (55.17396, 61.442298), which is recorded at Registry Office Kalininskii district Chelyabinsk сity, Chelyabinsk region, USSR, in the birth register book of acts № 218 of nineteen ninety nine February on the twenty fourth day. I am an immortal spirit with a living soul with the title of a live-born ZhenCHina © mp: Alena:, I am the founder and beneficiary of these names: ZAMOZDRA ALENA SERGEEVNA, PREOBRAZHENSKAIA ALENA SERGEEVNA, Zamozdra Alena Sergeevna, Preobrazhenskaia Alena Sergeevna, Alena Sergeevna Zamozdra, Alena Sergeevna Preobrazhenskaia, Alena Sergeevna Prekrasnaia. I hereby simultaneously prohibit persons acting in the interests of the Russian Federation and other countries from processing, using, storing, transferring, storing my personal and biometric data. Use of my personal and biometric data only with my permission. I am legal capacity and adequate, healthy mind, sober memory. All rights reserved Without prejudice to UCC 1:308 UCC 1:308.4 Data ©mp : a place for an autograph