Home task ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2
The 8th of May
Hello boys and girls! Today you will work on the Listening.
1. Start your work with ex.A p.100 the task for you will be the following: choose any one of these 4 options and WRITE in your exercise books if you are agree or disagree with this statement and why. Write about 5 sentences. 2. Then you‘ll do ex.C p.100, here you will listen to three emails(аудио файл №20 ) and you should match each email with the correct statement. 3. Then you pass over to ex.D p.100 (аудио файл №21), you should decide if the sentences are true or false. 4. Then you do should study the difference between the verbs to tell and to say. I recommend you to read the material which I prepared for you (прикреплю отдельный файл) 5. Then do ex.E(orally) and ex.F (in written form), ex. G(orally) 6. Home task - W.B p.57all exercises, p.58 ex.1 Мне прислать на проверку у.А с.100 и у.F до 11 мая, после 11 мая проверять не буду.