Task#5 what time is it?(4.00)it is four o‘clock…. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Task#5 what time is it?(4.00)it is four o‘clock…. Task #6 Match the time
5.15 it is quarter to seven 12.00 it is ten past four 6.30 it is quarter past five 6.45 it is half past six
Now who knows a poem about time? Mind the clock, keep the rule Try to come, in time to school The next station is called “Jobs” You must guess the crossword
Teacher Doctor Musician Dentist Operator Lawyer Driver f secretary and now we stop in this station is called “’week’’ well repeat all together(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday )
Hometask. Your hometask will be Ex 10 p 83
Evaluation. Today you’ve worked very hard, thank you for your participate. Your marks for today…..
The end of the lesson The lesson is over . Good bye children Good bye teacher!