Задание1. Выберите один верный вариант ответа. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Вариант 2. Задание1. Выберите один верный вариант ответа. 1) The crockery is …. a) knifes b) plates c) sugar-basin forks cups salt-seller spoons soup bowls pepper shaker 2) Mashed potato is a kind of …. a) side dish b) a main course c) dessert 3) Caviar is … a) soup b) appetizer c) beverage 4) Beef steak, roast chicken and mutton chop is a kind of … a) side dish b) a main course c) dessert
5) Hot chocolate is usually served as … a) dessert b) beverage c) appetizer
6) Sturgeon in aspic is…. a) sandwich b) fish snack c) dessert
7) Put ….. at the right side of the serving plate. a) the fork b) the knife c) the spoon
8) Meat dishes are ….. a) frankfurters b) shrimps c) stewed mushrooms boiled tongue herring beans escalope salmon stewed cabbage
9) The dessert is served ….. a) at the beginning of the meal b) at the end of the meal c) between main course and desserts 10) Table d’hote menu is …. a) a menu having individual dishes listed with separate prices b) a menu having different dishes every day c) ) a menu offering a complete meal at a fixed price
Задание 2. Найдите в каждой группе слов название блюда, не относящегося к ней. 1) pork chop, pot roast, fried salmon, hotpot, rump steak, entrecote. 2) stewed cabbage, roast beef, carrot cutlets, Russian salad, baked mushrooms, vegetable soup
Задание 3. Прочитайте вопросы в левой колонке и подберите к ним ответы из колонки справа.
1) Is this table vacant? a) I think it will be apple pie. 2) Could we have the menu? b) 69 euros and 20 cents, sir. 3) What meat courses are there c) Two clear soups with croutons, on the menu today? please. 4) What will you order for your friends? d) We have veal chops and steaks. 5) Do you like you tea strong or weak? e) Yes, it is. 6) Would you like soup? f) Yes, of course! Here’s the menu. 7) How much do we pay? g) They will make the orders themselves. 8) What will you have for dessert? h) I don’t take strong tea in the evening Задание 4. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания указав, какое из утверждений верно (True), а какое содержит неверную информацию (False). Russia has trade relations with different countries. Our trade contacts are developing from year to year. Russia is a big country of stable economy and this helps us to develop our foreign trade. We can know in advance what goods we shall require and how much we must buy or sell. Russia exports and imports different kinds of goods, such as machines, equipment, raw materials, manufactured goods, consumer goods and foodstuffs. Russia concludes trade agreements with foreign countries. They are Britain, Germany, Italy, France, Finland, Spain, China, Japan, USA, Brazil, Canada and etc. There are many managers, engineers and experts at our Russia’s foreign trade. They must know foreign languages to do business with foreign firms. You can see a lot of telexes, letters and cables on their desks. 1. Russia has trade relations with different countries. 2. Our trade contacts are developing from year to year. 3. We can’t know in advance what goods we shall require and how much we must buy or sell. 4. Russia does not export and import different kinds of goods 5. The USA concludes trade agreements with foreign countries. 6. There are many managers, engineers and experts at our Russia’s foreign trade. Задание 5. Составьте предложения из данных слов по тексту. 1. Trade, Russia, relations, countries, with, has, different. 2. A, stable, big, is, Russia, of, economy, country. 3. Exports, kinds, different, goods, imports, of, Russia, and. 4. Are, the, developing, to, from, year, contacts, year, trade. Задание 6.Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова, напечатанные заглавными буквами в конце строк, обозначенных номерами В10—В14 так, чтобы они грамматически и лексически соответствовали содержанию текста. Заполните пропуски полученными словами. Каждый пропуск соответствует отдельному заданию В10—В14. Andy was the tallest girl in her class and that’s why she was shy. She wanted to become a famous В10) SING or an actress but she wasn’t popular even with her classmates. She never wore В11) EXPENSE clothes and she never took part in school concerts. Nobody guessed that she had abeautiful voice and was dreaming about the stage since her B12) CHILD However, one day everything changed. Andy was offered a supporting role in the school theatre musical. She had only a few words but Andy was so excited about it that she learnt the whole play by heart. On the day of the В13) PER FORM the girl who was to play the leading role got a sore throat and wasn’t able to say a single word. Andy came up and said that she knew her part. You can guess what happened next, can’t you? Andy was a great success and enjoyed applause and flowers for the first time in her life. B14) SUDDEN, she became the most popular girl at her school. Задание 7. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги (with, from, of, to, on, in, at). 1. … the basis of these agreements the firm signs contracts. 2. Our country has trade relations … different foreign firms. 3. It is a country … stable economy. 4. Mr. Black is … London. 5. These telexes are … the desk. Задание 8. Выберите соответствующий модальный глагол. 1. They … know foreign languages to do business. a) can b) need c) must 2. You … see a lot of letters, telexes and cables on their desks. a) must b) can c) need 3. You … work hard at your English. a) can b) must c) need 4. ____ you tell me the time? a) may b) must c) can Задание 9. Выберите соответствующую видовременную форму сказуемого. 1. She (stays, stayed) at home, because she was ill. 2. We (dance, danced) well last night. 3. Did you (go, went) to the library yesterday? 4. They (see, saw) our doctor last Monday. 5. I (finish, finished) our work two hours ago. 6. We (finish, finished) our work five hours ago. Задание 10. Определите степень сравнения прилагательного и подберите по смыслу необходимый вариант. 1. The more you learn_____ you become. a) Smarter b) the smarter c)the smartest. 2. The situation is ____ than I thought. a)more bad; b) badder; c)worse