


Случайная статья

Демонстрационная версия заданий очного тура для 9 класса


ГАОУ «Губернаторский многопрофильный лицей-интернат для одарённых детей Оренбуржья»


Демонстрационная версия заданий очного тура для 9 класса

по английскому языку 2020 г.

Вы услышите диалог. Запишите в поле ответа цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответству­ющую выбранному вами варианту ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

1.Jane has seen a new _____

1.girl 2.boy 3.Spanish teacher

Ответ: _____________

2.The newcomer’s eyes are _______


1.green 2.brown 3.brown

Ответ: ______________

3.Thenewcomer is taller than a metre and _____________


1. fifty centimetres 2.seventy centimetres 3.sixty-five centimetres

Ответ: _________________

4.The newcomer is from _____________


1.England 2.Spain 3.Italy

Ответ: _____________

5. This boy is a participant of the school


1.enlarge programme 2.charge programme 3.exchange programme  


Ответ: ______________

6 Задание

Установите соответствие тем 1—6 текстам А—Е. Занесите свои ответы в та­блицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании одна те­ма лишняя.

1. Life lessons

2. Theatrical professions

3. Theatre educates

4. Ancient theatres

5. Develop patience

6. Watch TV

A.Theatrical performance is the result of the work of many people. It might seem that the playwright creates the play, the director stages it, the actors make the audience believe in the reality of what is happening on the stage and that is all. But the magic is also created by artists, decorators, costumers, make-up artists, lighting technicians, stagehands and many others whom the audience does not see.

B.Many plays are based on famous books or moments from history. Watching a performance that focuses on history or literature is a great way to bring important events or ideas to life. Theatre can be a great way to introduce children to classic fairy tales, short stories, and even poetry.

C.Bringing a child to a theatre for the first time is a challenging experience. Children may not realise that a live play is quite different from a cartoon on TV or even a movie screen. Watching television has become an extremely popular form of entertainment for children. Because of this it is difficult for them to focus on one thing for an hour and a half. Theatre helps children learn how to sit quietly, respect others, and pay attention.

D.Theatre is a safe way to expose kids to difficult situations and show them first-hand how to handle these situations. A play can teach lessons about staying true to who you are, as well as lessons of friendship. Some plays look at family life and show how to cope with troubles between sisters and brothers.

E.We know that the first people who created plays were the ancient Greeks. It was about the year 500 BC. They divided plays into two kinds: tragedy and comedy. This division is still used today. These ancient Greek plays were performed outdoors in large amphitheatres, so that many people could see them. There were contests among the playwrights and the winner got a prize. The actors wore masks covering the entire face and head, with holes for their eyes and mouth.





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