Здравствуйте, мои distant students! I miss you very much!Здравствуйте, мои distant students! I miss you very much! Это урок на 13 мая 2020 г. Ответы нужно выслать 15 мая 2020. Для начала небольшой анализ прошлой работы. 1. Is Eric a ghost? What do you think why Eric lives in the Opera House? - A person who is gifted in many fields, a magician and an illusionist, a talented engineer, an architect, a musician and a composer, someone who is called a Ghost in the Opera house, was born a freak. Not knowing his parents ' love and affection, he was forced to run away from home as a child. He traveled half the world, had many names. Returning to Paris after his travels, he took part in the construction of the Grand Opera building, in the basement of which he built a secret home. 2. What is the tense form of the verb “has been listening to”? - The Present Perfect Progressive.
На уроке (At the lesson): Чтение. Reading. Упр.2, с. 128 (аудио прилагается) Послушайте текст и переведите отрывок из произведения Ч. Диккенса.
Домашнее задание (Home task): (Вот это присылать) 1. Пришли: - Аудиозапись твоего чтения отрывка из текста на сс. 128-129.
Good luck!