to Disneyland?. He … the bike.. He … to India, but he will go there soon.. It is the first time he … a mountain.. II Part ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 4 из 4 7. … to Disneyland? a) Has you been ever b) Has you ever been c) Have you ever been 8. He … the bike. a) has never fallen off b) haven’t ever fallen off c) have never fallen off 9. He … to India, but he will go there soon. a) not has been b) haven’t been c) hasn't been 10. It is the first time he … a mountain. a) has climbed b) has climbt c) has climbing
II Part Ghoose the correct answer: 1. What is the capital of the USA? a) Chicago. b) New York. c) Washington 2. What is the biggest state of the USA? a) Texas. b) California. c) Alaska 3. Which is the American longest river? a) The Ohio. b) the Mississippi .c) the Hudson 4. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated? a) New York. b) Boston. c)San-Francisco 6. Who are the native people of the USA? a) Indians. b) Englishmen. c) Americans 7. What is the nickname of the American flag? a) “Union Jack” b) “Bald Eagle” c) “Stars & Stripes” 10. How many states are there in the USA? a) 45. b) 50. c) 49 11. What is the capital of the United Kingdom? a) Cardiff. B) Belfast. c) London 12. Who is the official head of the UK? a) Prime-Minister. b) President .c) Queen 13. What is the national emblem of England? a) Red rose. b) Thistle .c) Shamrock 14. What is the nickname of the British flag? a) “Union Jack” b) “St Andrew’s flag”. c) “Stars & Stripes” 15. What holiday is celebrated on the 25-th of December? a) Thanksgiving Day. b) Easter .c) Christmas 16. What the name of the British Queen? a) Elizabeth I. b) Elizabeth II. c) Victoria
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