True or False. Дополнительная часть. Учащийся получит возможность научится.. VI. Put the verbs in Present Simple or Present Continuous.. VII. Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 True or False 1. The father and his sons are going to arrange a birthday party for their mother. 2. Jack is going to buy the flowers. 3. Dad will be responsible for the music. 4. Bob is going to clean the flat. 5. They will make a birthday cake together.
Дополнительная часть. Учащийся получит возможность научится. VI. Put the verbs in Present Simple or Present Continuous. 1. She _____ to the theatre every weekend. ( go) 2. I _____ TV now. ( watch) 3. He often ______ hard at school. ( work) 4. She _____ to the shop every week. ( go) 5. Look! They ______ breakfast. ( have) 6. I _____ them now. ( see) VII. Выбери и вставь слово, подходящее по смыслу. 1. Children like to take …… of their pets a) place b) care c) part d) off 2.This political meeting takes …near the Houses of Parliament. a) place b) care c) part d) off 3. Our …. school would like to invite a group of foreign students. a) typical b) social c)sociable d) local