Итоговый тест
Андреева Вера Алексеевна 15 группа, 2 курс, лечебный факультет Итоговый тест №1. 1. Open (открытый): Does she like rock music? 2. Closed (закрытый): Do you like running? 3. Multiple (альтернативный): Do you prefer tea or coffee? 4. Leading (уточняющий): Did you walk at 11 AM in the garden this morning? 5. Tag (разделительный): Gagarin was the first human flew in space, wasn’t he? №2. 1. Blinding – маскирующаяся; 2. Shooting – стреляющая; 3. Burning – жгучая; 4. Throbbing – пульсирующая. №3. А. №4. 2. №5. А. №6. We shall start by discussing the headaches. №7. 1) First visit to surgery; 2) Check-up for newborn baby; 3) Following a referral. №8. a) Non-verbal; b) Verbal; c) Cultural awareness; d) Voice management; e) Active listening. №9. B. №10. C. №11. С, D. №12. B. №13. 1. X-rays are rays wich involves exposing a part of the body to a small dose of radiation to produce an image of the internal organs. 2. A CT scanner using X-rays, rotates around the body to obtain sectional images.