Занятие 30. Тема: Национальные особенности приема пищи в Великобритании. British cuisineЗанятие 30 Тема: Национальные особенности приема пищи в Великобритании Задание 1:Прочитайте текст и переведите его письменно в рабочую тетрадь British cuisine Traditionally British cuisine is considered to be rather primitive and unvaried. Some people even say that there is no any specific cuisine in Britain. However, many well-known and World’s best chefs are of British origin. Consequently, there must be something about eating habits and traditions that characterise the country. It is true that traditional British meals are rather plain and easy to cook, but they have a good and natural taste at the same time. Much attention is paid to the food quality that is why people in Great Britain choose it accurately. In addition, they prefer local products that are produced within the country or grown naturally by farmers. As for the meals, the British usually have breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper. There also used to be a tradition of drinking tea at 5 o’clock, however it is not respected much today. A day in Great Britain as in many other countries begins with breakfast. It is thought that English breakfast consists only of porridge, but it can obviously include other food, such as: omelet, bacon, sausages, toasts, pastries, coffee and juice. As for lunchtime, British people usually have something light at this time. They prefer sandwiches, fruit or chocolate. Dinner, on the other hand, is very substantial. For dinner they normally have soup, main course and dessert. All in all, the British do have food traditions and many specific dishes that should be tasted. Among which you find the famous shepherd’s pie, picnic eggs, beefsteak, trifle and many others. Задание 2 Ответьте (по-английски) на следующие вопросы: 2. What does English breakfast consist of? 3. What do English people prefer for lunch? 4. What do British people eat and drink for dinner? 5. What specific dishes of British cuisinedo you know?
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