


Случайная статья

The 19th of June.. The technology of my profession.. Task 1. Translate the words below without a dictionary. - Перепишите слова и найдите перевод.. Task 3. Read and translate the text. - Прочитайте и напишите перевод текста.. What is electronics?

The 19th of June.

The technology of my profession.


Task 1. Translate the words below without a dictionary. - Перепишите слова и найдите перевод.

  Electrical, cycle, magnetic, electron, standard, atom, ampere, symbol, coulomb, second, physicist, positive, magnetic field, negative, situation frequency, hertz, electrochemical, electronic, component, active, characteristically, electromagnetic, conductor, signal.


Task 2. Word formation. - Образуйте новые слова, дописав правильный суффикс или слово:

 -al/ -ly/ -acupunture/ - ty/ -ian/ -cardiogram/ -car


Electric…, electro…, electrical…, electro…, electro…, electric…., electrici…


Task 3. Read and translate the text. - Прочитайте и напишите перевод текста.

What is electronics?

Electronics represents roughly developing branch of science and engineering. It studies physical bases and practical application of various electronic devices. Electronic and ionic processes in gases are related to physical electronics. Studying the device of electronic devices and their application is related to technical electronics. The area devoted to application of electronic devices in the industry is called industrial electronics.

Successes of electronics is substantially stimulated by the development of radio engineering. Electronics and a radio engineering are so closely interconnected, that in 50th years they were united into radio electronics.

The present stage of development of engineering is characterized by growing penetration of electronics into all spheres of life and activity of people. According to the American statistics up to 80 % from the volume of all industry is electronics. Covering the scientific and technical and industrial problems, electronics bases on the achievements in various fields of knowledge. Thus on the one hand electronics puts problems before other branches of sciences and manufacture, stimulating their further development, and on the other hand arms with their qualitatively new means and methods of research.



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