Man versus machineСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒
10 th form Контрольная работа № 3
I. Fill in the gaps (1-4) with the right form of the word given in capitals on the same line. (4 points). (Заполните пропуск в связном тексте путём образования нужной грамматической формы от предложенного опорного слова) Man versus machine
II. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence using the word in capitals. You must use between two and five words including the word given. (8 points) (Переделайте второе предложение, сохранив смысл первого и используя предложенное слово.)
1. Mark is three years older than his sister. HAS (У Марка есть младшая сестра) Mark ____________________________sister.
2. There is very little milk in the fridge. HARDLY (Едва ли есть молоко в холодильнике) There is ________________ milk in the fridge.
3. I don’t like playing computer games very much. KEEN (Я увлекаюсь ком играми)* I’m not ______________________________ computer games.
4. You can’t have a banana. There are none here. ANY There are ___________________________, so you can’t have one.
5. I didn’t know the answer. My friend didn’t know the answer. US (Никто из нас не знает ответа)* ______________________________ knew the answer.
6. It’s a good idea to read this book. WORTH (Эту книгу стоит прочитать) ______________________________ reading.
7. I don’t want to watch this film today. FEEL (Я не хочу смотреть этот фильм сегодня) I ________________________________ this film today.
8. I want to complain about the quality of the food. A (Я хочу подать жалобу по поводу качества еды)* I want to ________________________________ about the quality of the food.
III. Write indirect questions. Use the questions and the phrases in brackets to help you. (8 points)
1. When did Shakespeare live? Can anyone tell me ___________________________________________________________ 2. Have you read “Julius Caesar”? I wonder ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Why did he write about ancient Rome? Have you any idea ___________________________________________________________ 4. Is it really about ancient Rome? Are you sure ________________________________________________________________