Четверг, 07.04.20 – Контроль навыков чтения7 класс Четверг, 07.04.20 – Контроль навыков чтения Прочитать текст, выбрать правильные варианты ответа: № 1-10 утверждения - True (T) или False (F), а затем № 11-18 - a), b), c). Работу оформляем так: отступаем две линии от предыдущей работы . Thursday, the seventh of May Test in Reading Read the text: 1. British people prefer coffee. 2. Every British drinks 3 cups of tea every day. 3. British people began drinking tea in the 17th century. 4. In the 19th century poor people liked tea. 5. English Queen likes tea very much. 6. People in China began drinking tea in the thirteenth century. 7. Chinese tea has a strong taste. 8. At 5 o’clock the British had a cup of tea with tea. 9. Most people have lunch in the office. 10. Nowadays dinner is a formal evening meal for a special occasion.
11. When did the British start drinking tea? a) in the beginning of the 17th century b) in the middle of the 17th century c) in the end of the 17th century
12. What did people call "tea" in the past? a) A heavy meal at two or three o'clock b) a light meal at five or six o'clock c) a usual meal at for or five o'clock
13. In what country have people drunk tea for more years than in Britain? a) In Chili b) In China c) In Japan
14. Who likes tea from the Royal family? a) the King b) the Prince c) the Queen
15. What tea do the British like? a) Brown tea with a delicate taste b) Green tea with a strong taste c) Brown tea with a strong taste
16. What does almost every British put in tea? a) milk b) sugar c) lemon
17. What do the British have for lunch? a) They have porridge and an apple. b) They have a sandwich and an apple. c) They have only tea or coffee.
18. How do the British call a usual evening meal today? a) They call it "supper". b) They call it "dinner". c) They call it "lunch".