ENGLISH-6 UNIT 5. headache health surgeon medicine cold dentist fluСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ ENGLISH-6 UNIT 5 TEST 1. Соотнесите персонажей на картинке и их болезни.
2. Заполните пропуски словами из рамки. Одно слово в рамке лишнее. headache health surgeon medicine cold dentist flu 1) My teeth are not very good and I must visit my _____. 2) Close the windows, please. We can catch a _____. 3) He is very pale and has a high temperature. I think it's _____. 4) She needs some _____ for her sore throat. 5) Don't speak so loudly. Mary has a _____. 6) The _____ consults Ted about his broken arm. 3. Выберите верный вариант для заполнения пропуска. 1) I am very ill and I _____ stay at home. a) may b) can c) must d) might 2) This week my classmate _____ his leg. a) is hurting b) has hurt c) hurt d) hurted 3) We are used to _____ a lot of fresh oranges. a) eating b) eat c) ate d) eaten 4) You _____ clean your teeth every day. a) must b) can c) may d) should 5) Our cat _____ a mouse three days ago. a) has caught b) catched c) caught d) has catched 4. Соотнесите реплики в диалогах.
5. Познакомьтесь с 3 мини-биографиями. Соотнесите утверждения 1 - 6 с прочитанными текстами A - C. В каждом случае верным ответом будет только одна буква. 1) He lived in the castle. 4) The first film about him was in the 20th century. 2) He created a monster. 5) There are many songs about him. 3) He lived in the forest. 6) The first book about him was in the 19th century.