The 7th of May.. Classwork.. Не забываем, задания выполняются до 15:00 ч. 07.05.2020Стр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒
6 класс. Английский язык. Группа Алёна Александровна. The 7th of May. Classwork.
ex.1. Do the crossword and you will find one more programme in number 14 down. Разгадайте кроссворд и отгадайте название программы под номером 14.
ex.2. What TV programmes do the children like watching? Complete these sentences about them. Какие телепрограммы любят смотреть дети? Закончите эти предложения о них.
0. Nevita wants to be a journalist. She always watches the news .
1. Trevor is a sports fan. He watches _______________________ every day. 2. When he was younger, he liked watching _____________________ . 3. Trevor’s granny doesn’t feel well when it’s raining. She always watches ________ . 4. Rachel is interested in facts and dates, she likes reading the “Did you know?” section in magazines. She often watches _______________ . 5. Rachel’s mother is very sentimental. She enjoys watching _____________ . 6. Robert isn’t sentimental. He is interested in facts, but he doesn’t like quiz shows. He likes ____________ . 7. Sandra is a part-time singer. She is blind, she doesn’t watch TV, but she enjoys listening to _______________ .
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!!! Не забываем, задания выполняются до 15:00 ч. 07.05.2020