Write the days of week ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 №6. Write the days of week We_nesd_y S_nda_ M_nday Tu_s_ay Fr_day T_u_sday S_t_rday
Текст аудирования: к 1му заданию We’re touring around England. I’m enjoing the trip. It’s great. We’re staying at a London hotel. Yesterday we saw a lot of interesting places in the capital. I think the museums are wonderful. We also went on some trips to other cities: Windsor, and Oxford for example. The trip to Windsor was an interesting experience. Best of all I liked the theme park, Legoland in Windsor. It was fantastic! Well, the weather is nice too. It hasn’t rained and it has been warm. I think we’ll come to London next year, too. But we won’t stay at the same hotel. It isn’t very good. On the whole, this is the best holiday I’ve ever had.