Английский язык. 10-е классы.. Тема: Повторение и обобщение пройденного материала. THE NIGHT WITCHES. RUSSIAN WOMEN PILOTS.Английский язык. 10-е классы. Урок 15.05.2020 Тема: Повторение и обобщение пройденного материала Здравствуйте! Сегодняшний урок будет посвящён 75-летней годовщине Великой Победы. 1. Прочтите текст. Найдите и выпишите следующие выражения: разработки в военных технологиях едва ли возможно наравне с мужчинами лётчик-истребитель основать тренировочный центр учиться с нуля взлетать и приземляться показатель смертности сбить самолёт согласно свидетелям
THE NIGHT WITCHES. RUSSIAN WOMEN PILOTS. The Second World War was the largest military conflict in history. The rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany in the late 1930s brought unimaginable suffering to millions of people. Hitler was defeated in 1945 but Russia and the whole of the Soviet Union paid the highest price for the victory. Developments in military technology, like the world-famous Katyusha rocket launcher and Shturmovik bomber were important. But without the extraordinary courage, determination and endurance of Soviet people, the victory would hardly have been possible. The Soviet Union was the only country in the world where women not only took care of fields and factories but also fought alongside men as front line soldiers. It was also the only country where women could become fighter pilots. In 1941 when Germany attacked Russia, Major Marina Raskova, a famous pilot, went to Stalin to convince him to set up there women’s fighter and bomber regiments. Stalin agreed and a special training centre for women was set up in Engels, a small town not far from Stalingrad. All the girls were volunteers and most of them were about 20 years old. Some of them had been pilots before the war, but many had to learn from scratch. However in a few months the women were taught what it takes most men four years to learn. The girls often flew old Po-2 planes known as "kukuruznik" and men pilots often laughed at them. "Our planes were the slowest in the air force. They often came back riddled with bullets, but they kept flying," recalled one of the girls. The regiment fought at Stalingrad in the winter of 1942-43 and in other battles including the Battle for Berlin in 1945. Being a fighter pilot was a tough job. Ground temperatures ranged from 40'C in summer to -50' in winter. All of the women were excellent skiers and many learnt to take off and land their aircraft on ice and snow. As the women pilots become more experienced, their missions became more complicated. It was the women’s regiment that learnt to fly at night with their engines switched off and attack the enemy unexpectedly. The Germans called them "night witches". Marina Smirnova, one of the "night witches" flew 3260 missions – that’s about two missions for every day of the war. One day in 1944 her squadron led by 19-year-old Nadya Popova flew 18 missions. Years after the war she said. "At night sometimes I look up into a dark sky, close my eyes and picture myself as a girl at the controls of my bomber and I think "Nadya, how on earth did you do it". However, the death rate for pilots was very high. Serafima Tamsova, a former fighter pilot, recollected: "To fly a combat mission is not a trip under the moon. Every attack, every bombing is a dance with death". The regiment’s highest-scoring ace, Lilya Litvak once shot down an experienced Knight’s Cross German ace. When he realized that he had been hit by what he thought was a "schoolgirl" he tore off his decorations and threw them out of the cockpit. Lilya was only 21 but she had already shot down 10 enemy planes. Nobody knows exactly how she died but, according to witnesses, Lilya was last seen being chased by eight enemy aircraft. After the war the three women’s regiments were broken up. Some of the former "night witches" carried on flying civilian aircraft, while others went back to more ordinary professions.
2. Ниже вы увидите несколько вопросов по теме Великой Отечественной войны. Ответьте на них не одним словом, а в форме законченных высказываний. Например:
Q: When did the Great Patriotic war start and when did it end? A: The war started in 1941 on 22 June 1941 and ended on 9 May 1945.
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