What do you know about Australia? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 Тест №6 What do you know about Australia?
1. Australia is a(n) ________ . a. peninsula b. island continent c. city
a. Livingston b. Captain Cook c. Brown
3. The capital of Australia is ________. a. Canberra b. London c. Sydney
4. _______is the largest city of the country. a. Melbourne b. Sydney c. Canberra
5. The head of state is ________. a. the Queen of Great Britain b. President c. Prime Minister
a. 10 mln. sq. km b. 5 mln. sq. km c. 8 mln. sq. km
7. The winter in Australia starts from________. a. December b. June c. September
a. the Murray b. the Hunter c. the Mackenzie
a. Murray b. Hunter c. Mackenzie
10. Before 1817 the Australian continent was known as_________. a. New Brunswick b. New Holland c. New Dutch
11. The national anthem of Australia is________. a. God, save the Queen b. O, Australia c. Advance Australia Fair
12. The main occupation in Australia is _________. a) agriculture; b) fishing; c) swimming
13. Australia is divided into _____states and two territories. a) 6 states; b) 2 states; c) 4 states
14. The Federal Parliament consists of the Senate and ________. a) the House of Commons; b) the House of Representatives; с) the House of Canberra
a) the kivi bird; b) the emu; c) the lark
16. One of the most famous and best- loved animals in Australia is __________. a) kangaroo; b) the koala; c) the rabbit
17. They speak _____________ in Australia. a) English and French; b) aboriginal languages; c) English and aboriginal languages
18. The currency of Australia is __________. a) Australian dollar; b) pound; c) dollar