Shopping. Present Perfect, Past Perfect или Future Perfect.Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒ Тест №3 Shopping. Present Perfect, Past Perfect или Future Perfect. Тест
I. Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант ответа: 1) What can I do … you? a) to b) for c) on
2) Please, I’d … to buy half a kilo of sausage. a) pay b) wrap c) like
3) It is too small. Do you have … size? a) larger b) smaller c) less
4) I usually … shopping on Sunday. a) does b) do c) see
5) Where do you buy biscuits? We buy them at the … department. a) butcher’s b) baker’s c) fishmonger’s
6) Tom can buy … at the dairy department. a) sugar b) fish c) milk
7) What do you buy at the fishmonger’s department? I buy … a) salt b) caviar c) cheese
8) What do you buy at the butcher’s department? a) mutton b) grapes c) sweets
9) What … of dress do you want? Show me something in brown. a) number b) colour c) size
10) She took a … of macaroni. a) bottle b) package c) piece
11) Does it … you well? a) wrap b) fit c) can
12) This is too … . I’d like something cheaper. a) good b) cheap c) expensive
II. Найди соответствия:
III. Заполните пропуски, выбрав правильный вариант ответа: 1. Sam ____ (lose) his keys. So he can’t open the door. a) lost b) has lost c) is lost
2. When I woke up in the morning, the rain already ____ (stop). a) had already stopped b) stopped c) has stopped
3. I hope I ____(finish) my test by midnight. a) finished b) will have finished c) is finished
4. My sister just ___ (leave) for the bank. a) left b) will have left c) has just left
5. The girls were good friends. They ____ (know) each other for 5 years. a) knew b) had known c) will have known
6. I never ___ (try) Japanese food. a) have never tried b) have never tryed c) tried
7. Ted was so happy because his dream ____ (come) true. a) came b) had come c) has come
8. We ____ (be) to Paris many times. a) be b) were c) have been