Statistical Card of the patient discharged from hospital,
Statistical Card of the patient discharged from hospital, daily establishment in the hospital, daily establishment in the polyclinic, hospital at home
N of medical card ___________
1. Patient´s code: <*> ____________________________ 2. Name: _________________________ 3. Sex: M - 1; F - 2 4. Date of birth _ _._ _._ _ _ _ 5. Document identity person: passport, series, №_______________________________ 6. Address : place of registration____________________________________________ 7. Registration place´s code: ___ Place of living: city - 1; village - 2. 8. Insurance policy (series, №): ___________________________________________________ Issued: by whom __________________________________________ Code of territory: _ _ _ 9. Kind of payment: OMI - 1; budget - 2; paid services- 3; DMI- 4; other - 5. 10. Social status: preschool child- 1: organized - 2; not organized - 3; pupil - 4; employment - 5; not employment - 6; homeless - 7; pensioner- 8; soldier- 9; Code _ _ _; family member of soldier - 10. 11.Category of benefit: invalid of GPW- 1; participant of GPW- 2; soldier-internationalist - 3; a person exposed to radiation - 4; including in Chernobyl- 5; inv. I gr. - 6; inv. II . gr - 7; inv. III gr. - 8; disabled child- 9; disabled since childhood - 10; others - 11. 12. Who directed the patient_______ N of form ___________________ Date: _ _._ _._ _ _ _ 13. who delivered the patient___________________ Code _ _ № of array _________________ 14. The diagnosis of department which directed ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 15. The diagnosis of department which delivered________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ 16. Delivered intoxicated: <**> Alcoholic - 1; Narcotic - 2. 17. Hospitalized due particular disease for the first time during the given year - 1; twice - 2; in emergency- 3; planned - 4. 18. Duration of hospitalization: at first 6 hours - 1; 7-24 hours - 2; more than 24 hours - 3. 19. Trauma: - industrial: manufacturing - 1; transport - 2, including accident- 3; agriculture- 4; others - 5; - non-industrial: domestic - 6; street - 7; in road transport - 8, Including accident - 9; school - 10; sport - 11; 20. Date of hospitalization: _ _._ _._ _ _ _ Time _ _. _ _ 21. Name of department ____________________ Date of admission __________ Time _______. Doctor´s signature ______________________ Code _ _ 22. Date of discharge(death):_ _._ _._ _ _ _ Time _ _._ _ 23. How long the patient was admitted(bed days): _ _ _ 24. Result of hospitalization: discharge - 1; including to the daily establishment - 2; to the all-day establishment - 3; transferred to another medical establishment - 4; 24.1. Result of treatment: recovery - 1; improved - 2; without any change - 3; worsening - 4; healthy - 5; died - 6. 25. Work disability form: open _ _._ _._ _ _ _ close:_ _._ _._ _ _ _ 25.1.To care for the sick Full years: _ _ Sex: M. 1 F. 2 -------------------------------- <*> identification code of patient or other, which was adopted in the department <**> The definition of drunkenness in accordance with the procedure established by the Ministry of Health of Russia.
26. Movement of the patient in the departments:
-------------------------------- <*> Flexible if approved in the Russian Federation in the established order. <**> To be completed using a payment system. <***> At discharge, a transfer from intensive care unit to specify the residence time in hours.
27. Surgical operations(mark: basic operation, the use of special equipment):
-------------------------------- <*>Anesthesia: general - 1, local - 2.
┌───┐ ┌───┐ 28. Investigations: RW 1 └───┘ AIDS 2 └───┘ 29. Diagnosis of hospital( at discharge):
30. The mail cause of the death_________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ code of ICD-10 __________________ 31 Defects in pre-hospital phase: untimely hospitalization - 1; inadequate volume of clinical - diagnostic examination- 2; inadequate treatment strategy - 3; Divergence of diagnosis - 4.
Doctor´s signature _______________________
Signature of chief of department ______________________