Restaurant Vocabulary
Restaurant Vocabulary | |||
menu | a list of all the kinds of food that are available for a meal | меню | |
aperitif | a beverage, typically alcoholic, that is normally served before meal | аперитив | |
a la carte [ɑːləˈkɑːrt] | if food is à la carte, each dish has a separate price | порционные блюда; меню, в котором каждое блюдо указано со своей отдельной ценой | |
starter | a small amount of food eaten at the start of a meal before the main part | закуска (салат или любое иное холодное блюдо, предваряющее основное меню) | |
appetizer | a small dish or beverage that you eat or drink at the beginning of a meal | закуска (для возбуждения аппетита) | |
entrèe [ˈɑːntreɪ] | a dish served before the main course, or between two principal courses of a meal | антре; первое блюдо, подаваемое перед горячим | |
main course | the main part of a meal | основное блюдо | |
dessert | sweet food served after the main part of a meal | десерт | |
salad bar | a buffet-style table or counter at a restaurant or food market on which salad components are provided for customers to assemble their own salad plates | салатный бар | |
table d’hote/set menu [͵tɑ:b(ə)lʹdəʋt] | a menu where multi-course meals with only a few choices are charged, at a fixed total price | комплексный обед, табльдот (3 блюда по фиксированной цене) | |
hors d’oeuvre/cold platter [ɔːr ˈdɜːrv] | a small dish served before a meal; some hors d'oeuvres are served cold, others hot | холодная закуска | |
side order/side dish | a small amount of food ordered in a restaurant to be eaten with a main meal but served on a separate dish; it accompanies the entrée or main course at a meal | гарнир | |
tasty | food that is tasty has a good taste, but is not sweet | вкусный | |
appetite | a desire for food | аппетит | |
aftertaste | a taste that stays in your mouth after you have eaten or drunk something | привкус, послевкусие | |
delicious | very pleasant to taste or smell | очень вкусный | |
dish | food cooked or prepared in a particular way as a meal | блюдо | |
high tea | a meal of cold food, cakes etc eaten in the early evening (between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m.) | полдник, ранний плотный ужин с чаем | |
regular meals | meals with the same amount of time in between | ||
lunch | a meal eaten in the middle of the day | второй завтрак, ланч | |
headwaiter | the person in charge of a group of waiters | метрдотель | |
to order | to ask for food or a drink in a restaurant, bar etc | заказать | |
to serve | to give someone food or drink, especially as part of a meal or in a restaurant, bar etc | обслужить | |
to have a second helping | to have the second amount of food that someone gives you or that you take | попросить/иметь добавку | |
to help oneself to sth | to offer sb taking some of what they want, without угощаться asking permission - used especially when offering food | ||
diner | someone who is eating | обедающий человек; человек, который трапезничает | |
to eat out | to eat in a restaurant instead of at home | есть не дома | |
to go Dutch | to share the cost of a meal in a restaurant | расплачиваться пополам (т.е. каждый сам за себя) | |
chef | a skilled cook, especially the main cook in a hotel or restaurant | шеф-повар |
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