


Случайная статья

Match each word or phrase in column A with a meaning in column B.


Задание 4



Match each word or phrase in column A with a meaning in column B.

                      A                                                                    B                            

1. income a) raw material; unmanufactured
2. exchange b) productive work, esp physical, done for wages
3. wealth c) something of value, either tangible, such as land, or intangible, such as patents, copyrights, etc
4. primary product d) worth, merit, or importance
5. labour e) the act of investing money
6. property f) receipts; revenue
7. value g) he system of money, credit, etc.
8. investment h) barter; trade
9. finance i) a place people meet for the purpose of buying and selling merchandise
10. market j) all goods and services with monetary, exchangeable, or productive value



Complete the sentences.

  1. Economics studies …
  2. There are economics analyses to …
  3. Cost is the price paid …
  4. Economists study …
  5. Money supply is the total amount of …



Give the definitions of the following:


  1. economy
  2. microeconomics
  3. macroeconomics
  4. unemployment
  5. monetary aggregates


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