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Vocabulary on the topic



Vocabulary on the topic

“I Love Eating, or My Favourite Recipe”

Word/expression Translation Context
To Add Добавлять Add more salt to the dish if necessary.
To Bake Печь, запекать It smells good in the kitchen because I’m baking a cake.
To Barbecue Жарить мясо на открытом огне или на гриле I’m going to barbecue some sausages for lunch.
To beat (eggs, cream) Взбивать (яйца, сливки) Beat the cream until it starts to thicken.
To Blend   You can blend your fruit to make your smoothie.
To mix Смешивать ингредиенты при помощи ложки или миксера Mix the flour, melted butter and sugar together.
To Boil Кипятить Boil the potatoes until they are cooked.
To break (eggs) Разбивать (яйца) Break the eggs into a glass bowl.
To Chop (the vegetables) Мелко нарезАть Chop the spring onions.
To Cut РазрезАть He cut the meat into little pieces.
To Drain Сливать остатки воды Drain the water from the pot of spaghetti.
To Fry Жарить на масле I fried some bacon and eggs for breakfast.
To Grate (cheese or carrots) Тереть на тёрке Grate a large carrot and add it to the salad.
To Knead (the dough) Замешивать тесто Knead the dough for the pizza base.
To Measure Отмерять (количество продукта) Measure exactly half a teaspoon of curry.
To Melt Растопить Melt the butter before adding it to the mix.
To Microwave Греть или готовить еду в микроволновой печи Remove the food from the metal container before you microwave it.
To Peel Удалять кожуру, чистить Peel the potatoes before boiling them.
To Pour Наливать Pour the chocolate sauce over the pears.
To Roast (meat, vegetables) Запекать в духовке We are going to roast chicken and vegetables.
To Scramble Смешивать яичные белки и желтки Scramble the eggs in a frying pan.
To Sift   Sift the flour into a large bowl.
To Slice Нарезать ломтиками Slice the cucumbers and add them to the salad.
To Sprinkle Разбрызгивать, посыпАть Sprinkle icing sugar over the cake.
To Squeeze   Squeeze the juice from three lemons.
To Stir (liquid ingredients) Размешивать жидкость ложкой Stir until the sugar is completely dissolved.
To Stir-Fry Подогревать (недолго обжаривать на горячем масле) I’m going to stir-fry these vegetables.
To Tenderize Отбивать мясо молоточком I think we should tenderize the steak before cooking it.
To Wash Мыть Wash the strawberries before cutting them into pieces.
To Weigh Взвешивать Weigh the mix to make sure that you have the right amount
To Whisk Взбивать венчиком Whisk all the eggs together with the milk.
Jar Банка A jar of honey.
Cup        Чашка A cup of coffee
Glass Стакан A glass of water
Jug Графин A jug of juice
Bottle Бутылка A bottle of water
Carton Бумажная упаковка A carton of milk
Bowl Миска A bowl of soup
Can Жестяная банка A can of Coke
Bag Пакет A bag of chips
Loaf Буханка A loaf of bread
Bar Плитка A bar of chocolate
Box Коробка A box of chocolates/eggs
Pack Пачка (картонная упаковка) A pack of cereal
Slice Долька A slice of lemon
Piece Кусочек A piece of cake
Bunch Гроздь A bunch of bananas
Spoonful Чайная ложка A spoonful of sugar
Tablespoon Столовая ложка A tablespoon of yogurt
Litre Литр A litre of water
Millilitre Миллилитр 100 millilitres of milk
Gram Грамм 500 grams of turkey
Milligram Миллиграм 60 milligrams of coffee
Pinch Щепотка A pinch of salt




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