The video vocabulary. Narration with my opinionThe video vocabulary 1) Pancakes covered in maple syrup – панкейки (оладьи), политые кленовым сиропом 2) The full English = the classic full English breakfast = fry-up -традиционный английский завтрак 3) Grab your knife and fork – берите нож и вилку 4) Lavish cooked breakfasts – щедро приготовленные завтраки 5) Fried eggs – яичница-глазунья 6) Scrambled eggs – яичница-болтунья 7) Poached eggs – яйца-пашот 8) Pork belly, pork loin – свиная грудка и филейная часть 9) Grilled bacon – запечённый бекон; Fried bacon – жареный бекон 10) Sausage patties – котлеты из сосисок/колбасы 11) Hotdog wieners – сосиски для хот-догов 12) Black pudding – кровяная колбаса 13) Kidney – почка 14) Oatmeal – овёс, овсяные хлопья 15) Slice – резать ломтиками 16) Dry – сухой, высушенный (It tastes a bit dry and salty) 17) Baked beans – тушеная (печёная) фасоль/ бобы 18) Molasses – чёрная патока 19) Stew – тушить, томить 20) Haricot beans – фасоль 21) Tomato sauce – томатный соус 22) Toast (uncountable) – тост 23) Mop up – вычищать, очистить (Toast is great for mopping up for all the lovely grease left on the plate) 24) Marmalade - твёрдый мармелад, джем 25) Oat cakes – овсяные лепёшки 26) Soda bread – содовый хлеб 27) Potato/ tattie scone – картофельная лепёшка 28) Laverbread – хлеб с водорослями 29) Seaweed – морские водоросли 30) Boil – варить 31) Herbs – травы, приправы 32) Explode – лопнуть 33) Tomato juice embellishment – наряд, украшенный томатным соком
Narration with my opinion I have just watched quite a curious video about how to make breakfast like a Brit and it has turned out very informative! It started with telling about the history of the full English or a fry-up. Its origins are a bit of a mystery but it is believed that it harks back to the time of landed gentry who were keen to display their wealth and would put on lavish cooked breakfasts. The tradition was later adopted by the working classes during the Industrial Revolution and then became (a) part of the British national identity. The full English consists of a large number of items. First, one should get poached, scrambled, or fried eggs, and add grilled or fried bacon to them. Sausages are also essential – the British don’t accept hotdog wieners or sausage patties but simple ones instead. Black pudding – which is called so to sound more appealing – is in fact a sausage made with kidney fat, oatmeal, and pig blood, and it is sliced and fried and then served on the plate. (The) next item is baked beans, typically stewed haricot beans in a tomato sauce. Grilled tomatoes and mushrooms, and toast are also added; moreover, each part of the UK has its own type of bread – it may be made (up) of / from soda, potato or even seaweed. A fry-up is ready! I genuinely like the video for multiple reasons, starting from pieces of interesting information to the charismatic narrator. The only thing I don’t seem to like is the full English itself.