The Fastnet Boat Race. Dear Mum and Dad,Стр 1 из 2Следующая ⇒
Класс: 5а,б The 15th of May, Firday Предмет: Английский язык Приветствие: Good morning, boys and girls! I hope you all are fine. Тема урока: «Впечатления от посещения большого города.» When people travel, they usually write about their impressions. Прочитайте и запомните значения новых слов: - impression – впечатление - a postcard – открытка - a letter – письмо - a newspaper article – газетная статья Прочитай и переведи УСТНО три текста. TEXT 1. Hello, Paul, I want to tell you that from London we went to Canterbury* by bus. It’s not a big city, but it’s one of the ten most famous cities in Britain. Yesterday we were at the Canterbury Tales attraction. For an hour we were watching a popular performance about the pilgrims. The actors were wonderful. It is the most interesting street performance I’ve ever seen. If you have never seen this wonderful attraction, you should see it. I ’m sure you’ll enjoy it, too. Best wishes, Oliver TEXT 2. The Fastnet Boat Race The boat race started on August 8th from Plymouth. 85 boats took part in it. The boats were racing for five days. They passed the Scilly Isles, the Fastnet Rock and Land’s End*. The winner was the boat “Kyla”. The youngest girl in the race was Caroline. She is 15 years old. At the finish she said: “I ’m happy. I’ve seen a lot of sea life and I’ve had wonderful impressionsof the race.” Bill Thompson, First News reporter TEXT 3. Dear Mum and Dad, I ’m in Windsor now. I ’m having a good time. I’ve already been to Windsor Castle. It’s great. Yesterday at 11.00 I was watching the Changing of the Guard. I took this photo when the band was playing near the castle. Love and kisses from Clare. Выполни ПИСЬМЕННО задания. Задание 1. Определи, какой текст является открыткой (a postcard ), письмом (a letter), газетной статьей (a newspaper article). Оформление: TEXT 1 - …. TEXT 2 - … TEXT 3 - ….. Задание 2. Соедини.
Оформление: А – 4 В – 1 …. Задание 3. Определи, какие утверждения верные (TRUE), а какие неверные (FALSE).