Transfer into Indirect speech. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 3 из 3 21. Transfer into Indirect speech. « The trees in the park are yellow :»– he says. A)She says the trees are in the park yellow. B) She says the trees in the park were yellow. C) She says the trees in the park are yellow. D)She say is the trees in the park are yellow. E) She says if the trees are yellow in the park.
22. Choose the right variant: “Could you tell me … has happened?” A)who B) what C) why D) which E) where
23. Choose the correct word: Praises … there quickly. A)go up B) get along C) to discuss together D) think of E) take of
24. Chose the word written correctly: A)telephon B) telefone C) tellephone D) telifone Е) telephone
25. Choose the synonym to the word “Foxy”: A) shy B) sly C) wide D) Cold E) Suitable