Match the words. Choose the correct word . Complete the sentences.. Translate into English. Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 2. Match the words 1. C) a bottle of olive oil 2. D) a carton of milk 3. E) a packet of crisps 4. F) a piece of cheese 5. B)a jar of jam 6. G)a loaf of bread 7. A) a bar of chocolate 3. Choose the correct word 1. Any 2. Some 3. Many 4. Much 5. a little 6. a few 7. any 8. many 9. a few
3. Complete the sentences. 1. Add 2. Boil 3. Fry 4. Bake 5. Peel
4. Complete the sentences. Use Present Simple, Present Continuous. 9. eats 10. am working 11. aren’t going 12. doesn’t play 13. do you study 14. is Julie sleeping 15. don’t drink 16. does he come 5. Translate into English 1. A jar of honey- банка меда, 2. Sour lemon - кислый лимон 3. Sweet melon - сладкая дыня 4. A bag of sugar - мешок сахара 5. A kilo of potatoes -кило картошки 6. A bottle of water - бутылка воды 7. A packet of biscuits - пачка печенья 8. A piece of cheese - кусок сыра 7. Rewrite the sentences in the Past Simple. 4. I usually stir together eggs, sugar and flour. – a. Yesterday, I stirred. 5. My mum usually bakes apple muffin once a fortnight. – a. Yesterday, my mum baked apple muffin 6. I sometimes dice cheese for canapés. – Yesterday, I diced cheese.