Project Aware was founded in 2002 by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors in Switzerland. It is a non-profit organisation whose main aim is to educate divers on how to respect and conserve the underwater environment.. THE MALDIVES. THE FRENC
Project Aware was founded in 2002 by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors in Switzerland. It is a non-profit organisation whose main aim is to educate divers on how to respect and conserve the underwater environment.
They believe that we need to protect the aquatic world from pollution and protect endangered species.
In this way, future generations will be able to enjoy the beauty of our oceans.
Project Aware provides education for adults and children on aquatic life such as coral reefs, turtles, sharks and whales.
Every year in April, divers and volunteers take part in the festivities of Earth day.
Also, every September, thousands of divers participate in International Clean-up Day by picking up rubbish from shorelines and the seabed.
Their work is really making a difference, and thanks to them our coast lines, beaches and our underwater world will keep their natural beauty.
| We all have our favourite sports or free-time activities but how many of us think about the effect they can have on the environment.
| a)
| Походы в горы, рыбалка в озере или подводное плавание возле кораллового рифов : все это как мы взаимодействуем с окружающей средой
| Trekking in the mountains, fishing in a lake or scuba diving near a coral reef are all examples of ways in which we interact with the environment
| b)
| У нас у всех есть любимый вид спорта или увлечения, но немногие из нас задумываются о том , как мы влияем на окружающую среду
| Project Aware was founded in 2002 by the Professional Association of Diving Instructors in Switzerland.
| c)
| Это некоммерческая организация, основной целью которой является обучать дайверов уважать и сохранять природу подводного мира.
| It is a non-profit organisation whose main aim is to educate divers on how to respect and conserve the underwater environment.
| d)
| Они считают, что нам необходимо защищать водный мир от загрязнения и защищать редкие виды животных чтобы будущие поколения смогут наслаждаться красотой наших океанов.
| They believe that we need to protect the aquatic world from pollution and protect endangered species. In this way, future generations will be able to enjoy the beauty of our oceans.
| e)
| Проект«Aware» («Знание») был основан в 2002 году профессиональной ассоциацией инструкторов по дайвингу в Швейцарии.
| Project Aware volunteers take action to conserve the underwater environment
| f)
| Ежегодно в апреле, дайверы и волонтеры принимают участие в фестивале, посвященному Дню Земли.
| Every year in April, divers and volunteers take part in the festivities of Earth day.
| g)
| Каждый год в сентябре, тысячи дайверов принимают участие в международном Дне уборки, собирая мусор с побережья и морского дна.
| Also, every September, thousands of divers participate in International Clean-up Day by picking up rubbish from shorelines and the seabed.
| H)
| Их работа действительно приносит пользу, и благодаря им наши побережья, пляжи и наш подводный мир сохранит свою естественную красоту.
| Their work is really making a difference, and thanks to them our coast lines, beaches and our underwater world will keep their natural beauty.
| i)
| Волонтеры проекта принимают меры по сохранению подводного мира.
| We all have our favourite sports or free-time activities
| a)
| in which we interact with the environment
| Trekking in the mountains, fishing in a lake or scuba diving near a coral reef are all examples of ways
| b)
| to educate divers on how to respect and conserve the underwater environment.
| Project Aware was founded in 2002 by the
| c)
| but how many of us think about the effect they can have on the environment.
| It is a non-profit organisation whose main aim is
| d)
| Professional Association of Diving Instructors in Switzerland.
| They believe that we need to protect the aquatic world from pollution and protect endangered species. In this way,
| e)
| as coral reefs, turtles, sharks and whales.
| Project Aware provides education for adults and children on aquatic life such
| f)
| to conserve the underwater environment
| Project Aware volunteers take action
| g)
| future generations will be able to enjoy the beauty of our oceans.
| Every year in April, divers and volunteers take
| h)
| Day by picking up rubbish from shorelines and the seabed.
| every September, thousands of divers participate in International Clean-up
| i)
| will keep their natural beauty.
| thanks to them our coast lines, beaches and our underwater world
| j)
| part in the festivities of Earth day.