They eat salads. Present Continuous Present Simple
Определите, в каком времени стоит глагол в предложении (в Present Simple и в Present Continuous), найдите вспомогательный и смысловой глаголы в предложениях. Например, He is having breakfast. is having – Present Continuous, is – вспомогательный глагол, так как не переводится, having – смысловой – переводится как «есть». She reads a lot. reads – это Present Simple, reads – смысловой глагол, переводится как «читать». В утвердительном предложении в Present Simple отсутствует вспомогательный глагол. Он появляется в отрицательном и вопросительном предложениях. She doesn’t read a lot. Does she read a lot? 1. + He likes biscuits. Present Continuous Present Simple - He doesn’t like biscuits ? Does he like biscuits? 2. + We are listening to the teacher. Present Continuous Present Simple - We are not listening to the teacher. ? Are we listeningto the teacher? 3.+ They eat salads. Present Continuous Present Simple - They don’t eat salads. ? Do they eat salads? 4. + She is drinking milk. Present Continuous Present Simple - She isn’t drinking milk. ? Is she drinking milk? 5. + I am sitting. Present Continuous Present Simple - I amnot sitting. ? Am I sitting? 6.+ I jump high. Present Continuous Present Simple - I do not jump high. ? Do I jump high?
Present Continuous to be +Ving