and, having, in, are, of
Фамилия _______________________________ Класс_________________________ 1. Запиши слова в соответствующие колонки по правилам чтения: Ride, get, fly, do, write, laugh, have, dance, swim, take sit, sing, go, put, say, make, clap
2. Заполни пропуски словами am, is, are 1. He ___ walking. 2. They ___ talking. 3. I ___ reading. 4.She ___ writing. 5. You ___ jumping. 6. We ___ making a sandcastle. 7. I ___ driving a car. 8. She ___ painting a picture. 9. You __ playing the piano. 10. They ___ watching TV.
3. Вычеркни лишнее слово: 1. riding, soccer, driving, painting 2. is, am, have, are 3. he, she, we, are 4. am, they`re, he`s, we`re
4. Подбери правильный ответ. Запиши его в таблицу
1. What is Vika doing now? 2. Is Rits sleeping? 3. What are the boys doing? 4. Who is talking 5. Are Mike And Nick singing? 6. Are you having a good time?
a) Yes, we are. b) The girls are. c) She is watching TV. d) No, she isn`t. e) No, they aren`t. f) They are riding bikes.
5. Заполни пропуски словами из списка. and, having, in, are, of We are 1)________ the park today. There are a lot 2) ________ people here. The children are 3)_____________ a good timr. The boys are playing soccer 4)___________ basketball. The girls are making sandcastles. Their dads and mums 5) ___________ talking and laughing. The weather is wonderful!
6. Открой скобки, используя Present Progressive: