The 13th of May.. The natural resources in Russia.. Task 1. Read and translate the text. – Прочитайте и переведите текст устно.. RussiaThe 13th of May. The natural resources in Russia. Good afternoon! In this lesson, we will talk about the natural resources of Russia and Bashkortostan. Полезные ископаемые Башкортостана: Нефть; Газ; Бурый уголь; Медь; Яшма; Минеральные воды; Железо. В республике выявлены более 50 источников минеральных вод, лечебных грязей и термального пара (газа), на базе которых функционируют знаменитые санатории и дома отдыха: Янгантау, Красноусольск, Ассы, Юматово, Яктыкуль и др. Федеральное значение имеют: нефть, медь, цинк, золото, серебро (в т.ч. в комплексных медноколчеданных рудах), железные руды, каменная соль. К региональному уровню значимости можно отнести: плавиковый шпат, тальк, кварц для плавки, марганцевые руды, хромовые руды, кобальт, никель, барит, фосфориты, магнезит.
Task 1. Read and translate the text. – Прочитайте и переведите текст устно. Russia Russia is one of the largest countries in the world. It occupies about one-seventh part of dry land. It is situated in Europe and Asia. Its total area is over 17 million square kilometers. The population of Russia is about 150 million people. 83 per cent of the population are Russians. 70 per cent of the population live in cities. The country is washed by seas and oceans, by the Arctic Ocean in the north and the Pacific Ocean in the east. There are many rivers in Russia. The largest rivers are the Volga in Europe and the Yenisei and OB in Asia. All rivers flow in the seas. The deepest lakesare the Baikal and Ladoga. Russia has one-sixth of the world’s forests. They are concentrated in the European north of the country, in Siberia and in the Far East. There are different types of climate on the territory of the country. It is very cold in the North even in summer. The central part of the country has mild climate: winters are cold, springs and autumns are warm or cool, summers are hot and warm. In the South the temperature is usually above zero all year round, even in winter. Summer is really hot. The climate of Siberia is continental: summers are hot and dry, winters are very cold. Some parts of our country are covered with mountains and hills. Here are three main mountains chains in Russia. The Caucasus is a range of mountains, which extend from the Black Sea to the Caspian Sea. The highest mountain is the Caucasus. The highest mountain in Caucasus is Mount Elbrus. The Urals extend from the Arctic Ocean to the steppes. This mountain chain divides the European and Asian parts of Russia. The Urals are famous for their valuable minerals. There are 150 volcanoes in Kamchatka, 30 of which are active. The Russian Federation is very rich in mineral resources, such as oil, natural gas, coal, iron, gold and others. Today Russia is one of the world's largest grain products and exporters. It produced 78 % of all its natural gas, 60 % of steel, 80 % of timber and 91 % of oil. So, today Russia becomes greatest industrial country.
Task 2. Write the natural resources of Russia (письменно). - Напишите, какими природными ресурсами богата Россия. Например: Oil – нефть.