Point out if the statement is true (T) or false (F). ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 Task 1. Point out if the statement is true (T) or false (F). 1. The biggest university of Great Britain is London University. 2. Oxford was founded in the 10th century. 3. Students have to pay for using libraries and laboratories, as for taking exams. 4. There are only five colleges for women only, the rest are for man and women. 5. Each college is a completely autonomous body. 6. The largest college has over 600 students. 7. The academic year has three terms. 8. The students have four exams in a year. 9. Final exams take place at the end of the course of studies. 10. Only one re – examination is allowed.
Task 2. Choose the correct answer.
a) two; b) three; c) four; d) five.
2. Attendance at lectures is … a) usual; b) not compulsory; c) compulsory; d) wonderful.
3. Each undergraduate goes to his tutor’s room … a) once a week; b) twice a week; c) three times a week; d) four times a week.
4. At the beginning or end of each term the progress of the students is tested by the college … a) tutors; b) students; c) examinations; d) freshmen.
5. They pay great attention to … a) athletics; b) studying; c) football; d) emotions.
6. The students take part in … between Oxford and Cambridge Universities. a) concerts; b) competitions; c) tournaments; d) plays.
7. The majority of the students are graduates of … a) comprehensive schools; b) private schools; c) single-sex schools; d) boarding schools. Task 3. Answer the questions. 1. What is the oldest university of Great Britain? 2. How many colleges are there in the university? 3. What is the cost of studies in the university? 4. Who helps the freshmen? 5. What is the majority of students?