READING.ЧТЕНИЕ Просмотрите следующую медицинскую информацию. A.The main symptom of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is an overwhelming feeling of tiredness. The tiredness is so disabling that it is impossible for the sufferer to continue normal physical and mental activities. Other symptoms include muscle aches and pains, poor sleep, loss of appetite, a recurrent sore throat, and swollen glands in the neck. Sufferers often undergo many tests for known diseases, which prove negative, and many feel that doctors see them as hypochondriacs. B.After the Gulf War of 1991, tens of thousands of ex-soldiers suffered chronic illnesses which doctors still cannot explain. Symptoms include dizziness, numbness in the arms, rashes, severe headaches, mood swings, and persistent, extreme tiredness. The cause remains a mystery, but the symptoms have been given the name Gulf War Syndrome. C.Tourette syndrome is a nervous disorder which first appears in childhood. A person with Tourette syndrome has frequent, repetitive motor and vocal tics (repeated movements or sounds that you cannot control). Vocal tics may consist of repeating somebody else’s words, or sudden outbursts of swear words. Tourette tics are often worse when a sufferer is tired or under stress. Sufferers can hold back their tics for hours, though this leads to a strong outburst of tics later. Motor and vocal tics are classified as either 'simple’ or 'complex’. Simple tics are sudden, short movements, and complex tics are movements or speech that use more than one set of muscles. D.Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, also known as Todd's syndrome or dysmetropsia. In Lewis Carroll’s 1865 fantasy novel “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” the main character experiences magical transformations, such as shrinking and expanding. This neurological syndrome, also called Todd’s Syndrome, usually presents migraines that distort perception of size and distance. Episodes, which can last up to an hour, involve seeing objects or people as very big, very small, or further away than they actually are. Patients can also experience hallucinations, as well as an inaccurate sense of time passing very slowly or quickly. The syndrome typically affects young children (although it is very normal for some to experience the syndrome at the age of 20) and can occur at night. A 2014 report published in the Journal of Pediatric Neuroscience describes a case of a 6-year-old boy who - within 15-20 minutes of being in the dark - began visualizing objects as being far away, making them appear smaller. E.Moebius syndrome is a rare neurological disorder that is present at birth. People with the condition are unable to move their faces (they can't smile, frown, grimace or blink their eyes) and are unable to move their eyes from side to side. There may be skeletal problems as well, causing hand/feet anomalies such as club feet. Respiratory problems, speech and swallowing disorders, visual impairments, sensory processing disorder, sleep disorders, and weak upper body strength may also be present. Approximately 30% of children with Moebius syndrome are on the autism spectrum. F.The Proteus syndrome, a condition in which different types of tissue — bones, skin, but also the tissue of organs or arteries — grow disproportionately. This condition has genetic causes, although it is not genetically inherited. There may be no visible signs of the presence of Proteus syndrome at birth, as tissue overgrowth typically appears at the age of 6 to 18 months. The condition becomes progressively worse with time. Historically, the most famous case of Proteus syndrome was that of Joseph Carey Merrick (1862-1890), cruelly named "the Elephant Man," in 19th-century Britain. G.Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. It is typically associated with physical growth delays, mild to moderate intellectual disability, and characteristic facial features. The average IQ of a young adult with Down syndrome is 50, equivalent to the mental ability of an 8- or 9-year-old child, but this can vary widely. People with Down syndrome may have some or all of these physical characteristics: a small chin, slanted eyes, poor muscle tone, a flat nasal bridge, a single crease of the palm, and a protruding tongue due to a small mouth and relatively large tongue. This syndrome also causes about a third of cases of intellectual disability. Tasks.Задания. 1. Сопоставьте синдромы 1-7 с симптомами A-G. Ответ можно отметить в этой таблице или как обычно «буква-цифра»
2. Задание для текстов A и B Правда/неправда/в текстах не сказано True/False/Not stated
1 CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) is caused by a virus 2 CFS sufferers cannot lead a normal life 3 Some doctors believe the sufferers are seriously ill. 4 The cause of Gulf War Syndrome is still unclear. 5 They were vaccinated against the syndrome.
Задание для текстов C and D Подчеркните прямо в текстах или просто выпишите словосочетанием/предложением ответы на вопросы: 1 When does Tourette syndrome first appear? 2 What makes the symptoms worse? 3 What are the four categories of tic? 4 What is Todd's syndrome characterized by? 5 Who is most likely to experience Alice in Wonderland Syndrome?
Задание для текстов E -G Найдите (подчеркните прямо в текстах или просто выпишите) синонимы следующим словам: 1.damages (or weakening), 2.unequally, 3.temperate (or average), 4.hypotonia, 5. features