


Случайная статья

Practical work. The … of the map identifies what the map is about.. Components of a Map

Practical work

I Find English equivalents of the following:

1) изменяться со временем;

2) плоская поверхность;

3) столичные города, столицы;

4) точное местоположение;

5) переносить на бумагу;

6) на поверхности Земли;

7) условное обозначение;

8) местное время;

9) сферическая поверхность;

10) таким же образом;

11) искажения неизбежны.

II Fill in the gaps with the proper words:

1)  The … of the map identifies what the map is about.

2)  … colour on a map represents vegetation.

3) The most important longitude is called the …. Meridian.

4) … is a systematic method of drawing meridians and parallels on a flat surface.

5) The components similar for all the maps are title, direction indicator and … .

III Answer the questions:

1) What similar components do all the maps include?

2) What does the title of a map identify?

3) What does the legend explain?

4) What information does the map scale provide?

5) Where is the most important longitude situated?

6) What is GMT?


IV Find the English equivalents to the following sentences:

1) Любая карта имеет название, масштаб и легенду.

2)  По названию карты понятно, какую часть Земли она изображает.

3)  Легенда карты объясняет значения условных знаков.

4)  По сетке координат можно определить точное местоположение любой точки на поверхности Земли.

5)  Долгота Гринвичского меридиана – 0 градусов.

6)  Масштаб дает статистическую информацию для определения расстояния по карте.


Estimation criteria:

26 - 28 – “excellent” - 5                                                                                                                

20 - 25 – “good” - 4

14 –19 - “satisfactory” - 3                                                                                                           




Components of a Map

1. Maps usually have a to show what distance on the earth is represented by a certain distance on the map.   a. grid b. scale c. legend d. cell 6. A map that shows human-made features such as borders, states, and countries.   a. political map b. legend c. compass rose d. none of the above
2. What is the purpose of the legend on a map?   a. to tell you what you are looking at on the map. b. to show distances on the map. c. to tell you what the symbols mean on the map. d. to show directions on the map.   7. One of the different ways of showing earth's curved surface on a flat map.   a. equator b. Map Projection c. cartographer d. Prime Meridian
3. A smaller map set within the border of a larger map.   a. legend b. inset map c. political map d. none of the above   8. Which of the maps listed below shows elevation by the use of contour lines and the horizontal position of terrain features and land formations?   a. city or state road map b. geographic map c. topographic map d. tourist map
4. A physical map focuses on   a. elevation. b. population. c. land surface d. boundaries.   9. Latitude lines:   a. run north and south of the Equator b. run east and west of the Prime Meridian c. meet at the poles d. have a maximum of 180 degrees
5. A is a symbol that shows us directions on a map.   a. globe b. compass rose c. map d. ocean 10. Longitude lines: a. run east and west of the Equator b. run north and south of the Prime Meridian c. meet at the poles d. have a maximum of 90 degrees



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