Переведите текст на русский язык. Согласны ли вы с этими утверждениями? ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 3. Переведите текст на русский язык. Согласны ли вы с этими утверждениями? Do you agree with these statements? A group of specialists from Belgium found that all fans of computer games suffer from an increase in the part of the brain - the center of reward and pleasure. This part of the brain is activated when a person experiences the pleasure of rewards or, for example, delicious food, sex, drugs. This becomes the cause of Internet addiction. Six signs of internet addicted people: 1. Do not notice the passage of time 2. Annoyed if distracted from the Internet 3. They forget about work, family, friends 4. Feel guilty when they see how much time they spend on the Web, but not on family, work and friends 5. Feel calm only on the Web and panic without it 6. Have discomfort with health: joint pain, poor sleep, overweight To recover, doctors have nothing to offer. Only a few simple tips: frequent breaks while staying on the Web, communicate with those who are indifferent to the Internet, often go out to the real world - to shops, museums, parks, theaters.
4. Повторите лексику. Составьте кроссворд по теме Компьютеры, компьютерные технологии (10, 15, 20 слов на 3,4,5). Старайтесь писать слова без ошибок. Клетки кроссворда заполните английскими словами. Начну для примера, чтобы напомнить вам, как мы это делали на уроке. Можете продолжить или составляйте свой вариант :)
1. компьютер 2. программное обеспечение 3. монитор
Good luck! Keep in touch! I am waiting for your answers:)