Найдите ошибки в предложениях. Исправьте их. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 2. Найдите ошибки в предложениях. Исправьте их. 1. The sun don’t shine at night. 2. The moon doesn’t shines at night. 3. There is many stars in the sky. 4. There are grass in the field. 5. The mountains is covered with snow. 6. The leaves there are on the trees. 7. The lake are full of fish.
3. Вставьте следующие слова в предложения: waste, pollution, protect, factory, recycled, damage 1. During the last hundred years we have done great __________to the environment. 2. There’s a large chemical __________ in our town, which has polluted the river twice in the last year. 3. The Government is very worried about the _____________ of our rivers and beaches. 4. A lot of household __________ like bottles and newspapers can be ________ and used again. 5. There are lots of things we can all do to __________ the environment.