Write the full meanings of the following abbreviations using the words in the box.Стр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒
Задание нужно выполнить до 29.05 до 17:00 высылать на почту abs0814@yandex.ru Test 1.1 Write the full meanings of the following abbreviations using the words in the box.
1.2 Which abbreviation would you expect to see in a job advertisement: 1 if you need relevant professional experience for the position?___ 2 if the salary mentioned was for the whole year?___ 3 if a job agency is advertising the job ?___ 4 if the position requires experience of selling products to customers?___ 5 if the take-home pay will be part basic salary and part performance-related pay? — 2.1 Job advertisements tend to use a lot of jargon, like proactive team player. Look at the extract from a job advertisement translate the words in bold. 2.2 2.2 Write sentences about your own knowledge and experience using the following expressions. • I am proficient in ... • I have an excellent command o f ... • I have a good working knowledge o f ...