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Предмет: Английский язык. Студентки: Езиной Ксении. Группа: 19-108

Предмет: Английский язык

Студентки: Езиной Ксении

Группа: 19-108

Тестовые задания текущего контроля. Причастия I, II совершенного и несовершенного вида в функции определения. Согласование времен. Прямая и косвенная речь. Функции и перевод слов after, before. Специализированные медицинские тексты на английском языке «Blood. Circulation» 1. Wemet ______ thelectureofphysiology. 1.before; 2. since; 3.assoonas; 4. for; 2. ______ the patient was inoculated he felt better. 1.as far as; 2. after; 3.as soon as; 4. for; 3. She smiled … the joke. 1. remembering; 2. remembered; 3. to remember; 4.having remembered; 4. … so little in the country, I am afraid I cannot answer all your questions. 1. seeing; 2. saw; 3. tosee; 4.having seen; 5.I felt very tired … the whole day in the sun. 1. working; 2. worked; 3. having worked; 4. works; 6. And … this he threw himself back in the armchair. 1. saying; 2. have said; 3. having said; 4. was saying; 7. I felt refreshed and rested … for eight hours. 1. sleeping; 2. slept; 3. having slept; 4. was sleeping; 8. She said that she______keen on drawing. 1) was; 2) is; 3) has been;   4) were; 9. 1______her that I______time to play the piano. 1) told, have no;                2) tells, did not have;  3) told, did not have; 4) told to, had not have; 10.The function of ______ is primarily tat of protection against infection. 1.thrombocytes; 2.erythrocytes; 3. plasma; 4.leucocytes  
Тестовые задания текущего контроля. Причастия I, II совершенного и несовершенного вида в функции обстоятельства. Независимый причастный оборот. Функции и перевод слов both, both … and… Специализированные медицинские тексты на английском языке «Respiration» 1. The boy came out of the water_____ from top to toe. 1.shaking; 2. was shaking; 3. will be shaking; 4.had shaken; 2. The garden was full of children,_______. 1. laughing and shouting; 2. are laughing and shouting; 3.were laughing and shouting ; 4.will be laughing and shouting; 3. Could you pick up the ______ glass? 1. breaking; 2. broken; 3. hadbroken ; 4. wasbroken ; 4. The woman _______ by the window stood up and left. 1. sit; 2. sat; 3. sitting; 4. will be sitting; 5. I walked between the shelves _____ with books. 1. load; 2. have loaded; 3. loading; 4. loaded; 6. Be careful when crossing the road. 1. cross; 2. havecrossed; 3. crossing; 4. will be crossing; 7. Having driven 200 kilometers he decided to have a rest. 1. drive; 2. havingdriven; 3. driving; 4. willbedriving; 8. I felt much better ______ the truth. 1. say; 2. having said; 3. saying; 4. will be saying; 9. It was ____cold _____ wet in the house. 1. both,and; 2. either ,or; 3. on the one hand, on the other hand; 4. the more, the more; 10. _________ consists of rhythmically repeated inhalations and exhalations. 1. digestion; 2. metabolism; 3. circulation; 4. respiration;  
Тестовые задания для текущего контроля. Инфинитив в функции подлежащего и обстоятельства. Сравнительная конструкция the … the …Функции и перевод слов due … dueto … Специализированные медицинские тексты на английском языке «Digestion» 1.______isharmful. 1. tosmoking; 2. beingsmoked; 3. have smoked; 4. to smoke; 2. ________fresh and pure air is very important. 1. to breathe; 2. being breathed; 3. have breathed; 4. breathed; 3. It is sometimes difficult _______a disease. 1. will be diagnosed; 2. to diagnose; 3. have diagnosed; 4. diagnosed; 4. 1. It is easy ______ such questions. 1. havinganswered ; 2. will answer; 3. toanswer; 4. have been answering; 5. To _____ surgical assistance is not an easy task. 1. to rendering; 2. being rendered; 3. have rendered; 4. to render; 6. She is clever enoughto understand these rules. 1. to understand; 2. understanding; 3. have understood; 4. will understand; 7. In order______a doctor we study at the Medical Institute. 1. becoming; 2. to become; 3. have becomed; 4. will become; 8. The better people are physically trained the moreoxygen they have in their blood. 1. as, as; 2. due, due to; 3. the, the; 4. like, like; 9. The heart attack eas due to emotional stress. 1. as, as; 2. due, due to; 3. the, the; 4. like, like; 10. The human ______is a long musculat tube that begins at the mouth and ends at the anus. 1. urinary; 2. muscular; 3. respiratory; 4. digestive;  
Тестовые задания для текущего контроля. Инфинитиввфункцииопределения. Бессоюзныепридаточныепредложения. Герундий. Функции и перевод слова for. Специализированные медицинские тексты на английском языке: «Nutrition» 1. Нereisthediet_______inyourcase. 1. tobeprescribed; 2. havingprescribed; 3.areprescribed; 4. prescription; 2. The secret of tasty food depends much on the cook ______ it. 1. to be prepared; 2. toprepare; 3. are prepared; 4. preparation; 3. VitaminA has the power _____vision. 1. to be improved; 2. to improving; 3. toimprove; 4. improvement; 4. He has been the first in our family _____ ill with flu this autumn. 1. fall; 2. to have fallen; 3. to be falling; 4. to fall; 5.The lesson on Anatomy lasted ___2 hours. 1. for; 2. since; 3. as; 4. until; 6. I know____ doctor Ivanov is in the laboratory. 1. which; 2. - ; 3. when; 4. whose; - 7. My hobby is … . It’s great because … is good for health. 1. dancing,dance; 2. dance,dance; 3.dancing,dancing; 4.to dance, to dance; - 8. Do you mind my (me) … here till tomorrow? 1. stay; 2. to stay; 3.staying; 4.stayed; - 9. Why do you avoid … your husband? Are you going to nodivorce? 1. to meet; 2. meet; 3. meeting;4. met; 10. ______ are special substances which bode needs along with carbohydrates, proteins and fats. - 1.food; 2.DNA ; 3. nucleic acid; 4. vitamins;    
Тестовые задания для текущего контроля Страноведение.Деловая документация Выберите правильный вариант ответа, заполняя пропуски в предложении. 1. The capital of Canada is ______ . 1.Ottawa;  2.Quebec; 3. Toronto; 4. Melbourne; 2. Margaret Thatcher was ______ . 1. Queen of Britain; 2. British Prime Minister; 3. leader of the Labour party; 4. a film star; 3. What is the emblem of Wales? 1.rose; 2.leek; 3.thistle;  4.shamrock; 4.The name of an American writer whose stories had unexpected endinds and won great popularity, because the reader was always taken by surprise __________ 1.Mark Twain; 2.Fenimore Cooper; 3.O’Henry; 4. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; 5. What's the name of Sir Churchill? 1.Winston; 2. George; 3. Christopher; 4.Benjamin; 6. Where is Ben Nevis situated? 1. in Northern Ireland; 2. in Wales; 3.in England; 4. in Scotland; 7.The eastetn part of the United States is occupied by ______ 1.the Cumbrians ; 2. the Pennines; 3.Cordilleras; 4. Appalachian Mountains; 8. What's the name of the British flag? 1. Star-Spangled Banner;  2.Stripes and Stars; 3. Union Jack;  4.John Bull; 9.To enter a medical school in Great Britain candidates must pass oral and written examinations on______ 1.English, chemistry and physics or biology; 2.chemistry, physics and biology or mathematics; 3. English, physics and biology or mathematics; 4.countrystudies, chemistry and physics or biology; 10.Choose the type of official letter
5th August Hello Tania, I read your advertisement on the pen pals site and decided to write you a letter. I’m 17 years old and I attend the secondary school here in Gdansk. My family isn’t big. I have a sister - she is younger than me and I spend quite a lot of time helping with her home tasks. My parents work a lot. My fa­ther is a business man and my mother is a doctor. We have a dog called Barry and two cats - Laura and Bobby. You imagine what a fuss we have every day with such a company! And what about you? Do you have pets? I love reading fantasy books like Harry Potter series and «The Lord of the Rings» by J. Tolkien. Do you like this kind of literature? Well, hope to hear from you soon and to know you better. Best wishes, Anna.

1.informal letter;

2.formal letter;

3.cover letter;

4. CV;




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