Прочитайте, переведите текст-устноСтр 1 из 3Следующая ⇒ My Hobby 1). Hobby is a favourite occupationwhich people like to do when they have some free time. 2). We choose a hobby according to our character and taste. 3). Very often our hobby helps us to choose our future profession because we learn a lot of new things. 4). Many people are interested in music. 5). Others like reading or going on hikes, taking photographs or knitting. 6). People living in cities and towns like to be closer to nature. 7). They get away from the tiresome and dusty cities to enjoy the countryside. 8). For example, gardening and growing flowers is the most common hobby among Englishmen. 9). All the members of our family have their own hobbies. 10). My mother enjoys knitting, and my father is fond of collecting stamps. 11). My brother's favourite occupation is playing different computer games, and my sister's hobby is cooking. 12). As for me, I am keen on music and whenever I have some free time I go to the Concert Hall. 13). I like to go to the concerts. 14). We enjoy music very much. Vocabulary: choose a hobby- выбери себе хобби keen on - увлекаться favourite occupation- любимое занятие according to our character –согласно нашему характеру to be closer to nature –быть ближе к природе knitting-вязание the tiresome - надоедливый человек gardening-садоводство growing flowers-выращивание цветов
1. Прочитайте, переведите текст-устно 2. Выпишите слова в тетрадь. 3.Ответьте на вопросы письменно в тетрадь. Questions: 1. What is a hobby? 2. What kinds of hobby do you know? 3. What is the most popular hobby among Englishmen? 4. What is your hobby? 5. Will your hobby help you in your future life? 6. It is a matter of taste. How do you understand this proverb?