Найдите в тексте предложения со словами «to threaten», «to declare war (on)», «troops», «to trap» и выпишите их. ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 2 из 2 3. Найдите в тексте предложения со словами «to threaten», «to declare war (on)», «troops», «to trap» и выпишите их.
4. Посмотрите на карту, прочитайте перечень стран Европы и выпишите какие из них были завоеваны Гитлером в 1938-1941. Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Czechoslovakia, Spain, Italy, Poland, Hungary (Венгрия), Greece, Luxemburg, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, France, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Roumania, Austria, Switzerland (Швейцария) 5. Ответьте на вопросы. 1. When the Nazis came to power and who their leader was; 2. When Czechoslovakia was conquered by Germany; 3. When and why Britain and France declared war on Germany; 4. Why and where the British troops were trapped; 5. What countries were conquered by Germany from 1938 till 1941.
II. Повторяем грамматику. Поставьте глагол в нужную форму (настоящее, прошедшее или будущее время Simple) 1. Jackson (come) back from his holiday last week. 2. I (see) this film yesterday. 3. If the wind (blow), we (not, go) to the forest. 4. Yesterday we (receive) two letters and they were both from Kursk. 5. I (write) to you, when I (come) to Moscow. 6. Nina (take) the umbrella, if it (rain). 7. I (help) Pete to bring water, if he (ask) me. 8. Next summer we (spend) our holidays on the farm. 9. Many students (come) to the village in September to help the farmers 10. Caxton (print) his first book in 1477. 11. If I (be ill), I (stay) at home. 12. "I (become) a nurse," she says to the teacher. 13. I (be busy) tonight, don't come to me. 14. We (watch) TV next Saturday.