


Случайная статья

Министерство образования и науки Донецкой Народной Республики

Министерство образования и науки Донецкой Народной Республики

Государственное профессиональное образовательное учреждение

«Донецкое профессионально-техническое училище связи»

СОГЛАСОВАНО                                        УТВЕРЖДАЮ

Зам. директора по УПР                                        Директор


___________ Е.А.Фесенко                 ___________ В.И.Головач

Подпись                                                                                                            Подпись


«____»____________2019 г.                                                  «____»____________2019 г.





для  профессии 43.01.02 «Парикмахер»


г. Донецк



I. Read and translate the text

Brown bears are huge animals with sharp claws up to 15 centimetres in length. They weigh up to 700kg and live in the mountains and forests.

Up to 90% of a brown bear food is made up of vegetables and fruit, such as berries, roots and mushrooms. They also eat fish, insects, mammals such as squirrels and deer.

Brown bears can be very dangerous. But they attack people either because a bear is injured or when a human encounters a mother bear with its cubs. It can also happen when there is a shortage of food in the wild.

 The population of brown bears has declined drastically in recent years because of poaching for skins and fat. Every year more than 5,000 are hunted in Russia for their furs. The Russian government is considering new laws to protect brown bears as in some areas they become extinct.

II. True or False

1. Brown bears are enormous

2. They live everywhere

3. They are predators

4. They attack people only for special reasons.

5. Hunters kill bears because they attack people.

6. It is illegal to hunt bears

III. Match

government                   ранен

become extinct              новые законы

 new laws                       охотиться ради

poaching for                   резко снизился

 declined drastically      острые когти

sharp claws                     правительство

 is injured                        становиться исчезающим

is made up                      состоит из

IV. Find the words in the text which mean the same

Very big




become smaller


V. Tell about brown bears

1 They are huge animals, aren’t they?

2. Where do they live?

3. When do they attack people?

4. What do they eat?

5. Are they protected by the government?



I. Read and translate the text

In 1666 the narrow streets of London were overcrowded with buildings. Open fires and candles burned inside homes and businesses. It was the end of the long hot summer and the wood –built city was dry. On the evening of Saturday , 1st September, Thomas Farynor, the baker to King Charles II didn’t put out  the fire properly and went to bed. A spark from the fire ignited some straw on the bakery floor. Flames spread quickly in the street and then in the city.

London’s mayor was advised to demolish the neighbouring houses but he refused. The wind spread the fire with the frightening speed.

In next three days and nights the fire raged out of control. On 5th September when the winds died down the people managed to bring the fire under control.

Five –sixth of the heart of the city was destroyed. Over 13,000 houses, 87 churches and 4 bridges, along with many important buildings were gone. However, only about ten people died in the fire.

II. True or False

1. The Great Fire of London started in summer

2. The baker’s children burn the straw

3. The fire started in the palace of King Charles II.

4. The mayor of London refused to demolish the houses.

5. The winds spread the fire quickly

6. A lot of people died in this fire.

III. Match

Frightening speed важные здания

Spread the fire     удалось взять

Died down                  ужасающая скорость

Managed to bring исчезли

Were gone              распространять огонь

Important buildings утих

IV. Find the words in the text which mean the same





Very fast


V. Tell about the Great Fire of London

1. When did it happen?

2. How did the fire start?

3. Why did the fire spread quickly?

4. What was destroyed during the fire?

5. How many people died in this fire?

6. How many days did the fire rage?



I. Read and translate the text

Lake Baikal, in eastern Siberia, is a miracle of nature. It’s the deepest lake on Earth. It’s also the oldest lake. It’s more than 25 million years. However, facts and figures fail to describe the breathtaking beauty of Baikal. The water is crystal clear, and when you see the stones on the bottom it’s hard to believe they are so deep down.

Lake Baikal is surrounded by magnificent mountain ranges. More than 300 rivers flow into Lake Baikal and only one river Angara, flows outwards.

 A lot of rare species of animals and plants cannot be found anywhere else in the world. Among them are the Baikal Seal and the Omul fish.

Today, this amazing place is threatened by the industry around its shores. We can only hope that the government will do something to protect this beautiful place and its environment.

II. True or False

1. Lake Baikal is in Siberia

2. It’s the deepest lake in Russia

3. It’s about 25,000 years old.

4. You can see forests around the lake.

5. The water isn’t very clean.

6. The lake is a nature reserve.

III. Match

Facts and figures       окружающая среда

 Hard to believe         вытекает

Mountain ranges       удивительное место

Flows outwards          факты и цифры

Amazing place            горные цепи

Environment               трудно поверить

IV. Find the words in the text which mean the same







V. Tell about the Lake Baikal

1.  Where is Lake Baikal situated?

2. How old is it?

3. The water is very clean, isn’t it?

4. How many rivers flow into it?

5. Why is this lake unique?

6. Why should we protect it?



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